레이블이 Performance Planning Definition인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시
레이블이 Performance Planning Definition인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 12월 2일 월요일

About 'definition of performance management'|Principles of Effective Court Performance Measurement and Management

About 'definition of performance management'|Principles of Effective Court Performance Measurement and Management

Running               Head:               AMAZON               PROMISE.

A               CASE               STUDY               OF               THE               VOLUNTEER               PROGRAM               Amazon               Promise               A               case               study               of               the               volunteer               program               Eric               J.

Wynn               University               of               Central               Florida

Table               of               contents               .......................................................................................2


Executive               Summary               .........................................................................................5

History               of               Amazon               Promise...........................................................................7

Structure               of               the               volunteer               program..................................................................12

Volunteer               recruitment.................................................................................14

Risk               management......................................................................................30




Donations               graph...................................................................................40

Risk               management               plan...........................................................................41

Sample               job               descriptions...........................................................................43

Federal               Volunteer               Protection               Act               of               1997.....................................................49
               I               first               became               aware               of               Amazon               Promise               while               perusing               Cable               News               Networks               (CNN)               Heroes               website.

I               was               fascinated               at               the               nonprofits               chosen               to               be               highlighted               by               CNN               and               was               thoroughly               impressed               with               the               devotion               of               the               founders               to               their               chosen               causes.

However,               one               nonprofit               stood               out               from               all               the               others;               that               of               Amazon               Promise               and               its               founder,               Patty               Webster.

What               Ms.

Webster               is               accomplishing               in               the               jungles               of               Peru,               is               nothing               short               of               amazing.

Organizing               volunteers               to               venture               into               the               jungles               of               the               Amazon               to               provide               medical               care               and               in               the               process               winning               over               the               hearts               and               minds               of               the               indigenous               peoples               of               the               jungle,               Ms.

Webster               is               accomplishing               a               feat               that               is               envious               of               the               most               accomplished               governments.
               These               Indigenous               people               of               Peru               endure               a               hard               scrabble               life               where               daily               survival               is               a               reality               and               not               something               watched               on               a               "Survivor"               show.

These               Indians               endure               a               daily               barrage               of               exposure               to               hazards               that               include               diseases,               malnutrition               and               threatening               animals.

Clean               drinking               water               is               in               short               supply.

Waste               disposal               is               au               natural.

An               injury               or               sickness               in               the               jungle,               however               slight,               can               quickly               become               life               threatening.

Doctors               in               the               jungle               do               not               exist,               however               the               village               Shaman               does.

If               someone               wants               to               see               a               professional               doctor,               it               can               mean               a               hazardous               journey               of               hours               by               boat.

There               is               no               ambulance               service,               no               one               to               call               for               a               quick               evacuation.

Bear               Gryllis               does               not               tape               his               show               here.

And               yet,               Ms.

Webster               and               her               volunteers               return               here               monthly               delivering               aid               and               winning               over               the               hearts               and               minds               of               these               people.
               In               comparison,               the               United               States               Army               has               a               unit               that               performs               the               same               mission               that               Amazon               Promise               and               Ms.

Webster               and               her               volunteers               do.

Their               called               the               "Special               Forces".

However,               two               things               separate               the               "Special               Forces"               from               Ms.

Webster               and               Amazon               Promise,               and               this               is               what               makes               Amazon               Promise               so               amazing.

First,               the               US               Army               "Special               Forces"               have               the               full               backing               and               financial               support               of               the               United               States.

Therefore,               money               is               no               object               to               the               prevention               of               the               Special               Forces               mission.

And               second,               they               carry               guns,"Big               guns",               and,               they               like               to               use               them.
               This               case               study               would               not               have               been               possible               without               the               help               and               patience               of               the               staff               of               Amazon               Promise               and               in               particularly,               Ms.

Kristina               Server.

My               endless               barrage               of               questions,               more               questions               and               "damn               he's               asking               more               questions"               was               getting               old               and               time               consuming               and               took               away               from               real               efforts               at               saving               people.

Hopefully,               this               work               will               be               worth               all               the               questions               asked               and               will               serve               as               a               mechanism               for               increasing               Amazon               Promises               profile               among               the               less               informed.
               Thank               you!
               Executive               Summary
               In               accordance               to               the               course               requirements               of               the               University               of               Central               Florida,               College               of               Business,               and               the               graduate               course               PAD               5145               Volunteerism               in               Nonprofit               organizations,               a               case               study               of               Amazon               Promise's               volunteer               program               was               undertaken.

Working               in               conjunction               with               Ms.

Kristina               Server,               who               provided               immeasurable               assistance               and               guidance               the               following               recommendations               are               being               put               forth               to               Patty               Webster,               President               and               founder               of               Amazon               Promise.

Social               Media               Coordinator-               In               response               to               the               explosive               growth               of               the               social               media               network,               it               is               recommended               that               one               volunteer               be               asked               to               take               responsibility               with               expanding               the               current               Amazon               Promise               Facebook               and               YouTube               profiles.

In               addition,               this               Social               Media               Coordinator               would               be               responsible               for               coordinating               and               developing               additional               Amazon               Promise               exposure               through               the               coordination               and               use               of               other               organizations               web               exposure.

Volunteer               Coordinator-               Currently               Amazon               Promise               does               not               have               a               volunteer               coordinator               and               it               is               recommended               that               a               volunteer               or               a               employee               be               hired               to               fulfill               the               position.

Currently,               Amazon               Promise               volunteer               development               responsibilities               are               shared               among               staff               members,               who               in               turn               are               already               responsible               for               other               responsibilities.

Volunteer               protection-               United               States               volunteers               and               volunteer               organizations               have               limited               liability               protection               through               a               federal               statue               known               as.

Peru               does               not               have               such               a               federal               statue               and               it               is               recommended,               that               Amazon               Promise               initiate,               through               their               Peruvian               legal               counsel,               a               legal               initiative               to               get               a               similar               statue               in               place               in               Peru.

A               copy               of               this               federal               regulation               is               included               as               back               up               material.

Volunteer               Handbook-               Currently,               Amazon               Promise               does               not               provide               a               copy               of               any               policies,               procedures               or               guidelines               to               their               volunteer's.

It               is               recommended               that               Amazon               Promise               develop               a               set               of               procedures,               guidelines               and               policies,               and               maintain               this               handbook               on               online               and               have               the               volunteers               read               this               and               sign               a               memorandum               of               understanding               and               adherence.

Rotate               advertising               in               different               search               engines               that               provide               for               those               people               looking               for               a               travel               volunteer               experience.

Recommend               screening               of               medical               personal               through               the               use               of               National               Practitioner               Data               Bank.

Amazon               Promise,               1993               to               present.

Webster               had               been               working               as               a               tour               guide               in               the               Amazon               jungle               escorting               adventure               tourist               through               the               wonders               of               the               Amazon               jungle.

During               these               tourist               excursions,               Ms.

Webster               would               introduce               these               adventure               tourists               with               the               indigenous               peoples               of               the               jungle               who               traded               their               craftworks               with               the               tourists.

These               indigenous               peoples               live               in               extremely               remote               jungle               locations,               and               access               to               healthcare               providers               is               an               extremely               difficult               undertaking.

Under               these               circumstances,               even               a               simple               injury               can               be               life               threatening.

These               natives               recognized               in               Patty               someone               who               cared               about               their               plight               and               began               to               approach               her               asking               for               help               with               their               medical               needs.


Webster,               moved               by               the               difficult               circumstances               of               these               people,               began               to               provide               what               aid               she               could               from               her               limited               first               aid               supplies.

Recognizing               the               need               of               these               people               and               seeing               an               opportunity               to               help,               Ms.

Webster               began               gathering               what               medical               supplies               that               she               could               and               found               people               who               would               were               willing               to               venture               into               the               jungle               with               her               to               deliver               this               aid.

From               these               austere               beginnings,               the               idea               for               Amazon               Promise               was               born               (Cousteau,               2009).
               In               1993,               Ms.

Webster               organized               her               relief               efforts               into               Rainforest               Relief               Project,               which               later               became               Amazon               Promise,               a               registered               501.C               (3),               based               in               Massachusetts               Server               (personal               communications,               October               10,               2010;               Cousteau,               2009).

From               these               simple               beginnings,               Amazon               Promise               has               organized               missions               into               the               Peruvian               Amazon               Jungle               with               one               simple               mission               objective:               to               provide               medical               care               and               health               care               education               to               those               in               need.

From               its               inception,               Amazon               Promise               has               provided               aid               to               over               fifty               five               thousand               inhabitants               through               its               volunteer               medical               missions.

Currently,               36               interior               Amazon               villages               have               requested,               and               are               receiving,               ongoing               aid               from               Amazon               Promise               (Webster,               personal               communications,               July               26,               2010).

Building               on               an               all               volunteer               network,               with               the               vast               majority               serving               as               episodic               volunteers               (Macduff,               1999),               Amazon               Promise               has               organized               these               medical               missions               each               year.

In               2010,               6               medical               missions               were               planned               and               executed               for               a               total               time               in               country               of               16               weeks.

For               2011,               eight               medical               missions               are               currently               being               organized               and               volunteers               recruited               for               a               total               time               in               country               of               17               weeks               (Amazon               Promise               [AP],               2010).
               In               2006,               Patty               Webster               began               to               conceive               of               establishing               a               permanent               clinic               in               Belen,               a               suburb               of               Iquitos,               Peru.

Belen               is               an               interior               Peruvian               city               with               a               population               of               74,000               persons               who               live               predominately               in               squalor.

Iquitos/Belen               has               no               road               access               to               other               parts               of               Peru               or               South               America               and               the               only               access               to               these               cities               is               by               air               or               by               riverboat               up               the               Amazon               River.

Effectively               cut               off               from               the               rest               of               Peru               and               other               established               South               American               cities,               the               economic               base               is               very               limited               and               the               poverty               rate               very               high.

Amazon               Promise               is               currently               operating               a               temporary               clinic               in               the               city,               and               providing               as               much               care               as               possible               to               the               residents               as               their               budgetary               and               volunteer               abilities               allow.

Preliminary               plans               have               been               developed               by               Engineers               Without               Borders               for               a               permanent               clinic.

Working               in               conjunction               with               the               administrators               of               Belen,               the               city               has               donated               land               for               the               clinic               while               Amazon               Promise               seeks               out               funding               for               construction               (Cousteau,               2010)
               Studies               have               estimated               that               64.5               million               Americans               participate               in               volunteer               activity               (Strigas,               2006).

Within               this               vast               group               of               people,               a               small               number               of               volunteers               have               come               together               and               form               the               core               of               Amazon               Promise               and               are               the               chief               asset               of               the               organization.

Without               these               volunteers,               Amazon               Promise               could               not               function               in               its               current               form,               as               Amazon               Promise               maintains               no               paid               administrators               and               fortunately               these               core               volunteers               are               not               motivated               by               bureaucratic               incentives               (Ashcraft               &               Kedrowicz,               2002).

Amazon               Promise               volunteers               can               be               described               as               meeting               the               definition               of               "Modern               volunteering"               as               opposed               to               the               "Traditional               volunteer"               (Rehberg,               2005).

These               "Modern               volunteers"               are               people               who               have               the               opportunity               and               the               ability               to               participate               in               a               volunteer               project               that               does               not               meet               traditional               concepts.

Their               motives               are               primarily               rooted               in               unselfish               giving               (Mowen               &               Sujan,               2005).

Amazon               Promise's               mission               ensures               that               the               volunteers               will               not               meet               traditional               concept.

Amazon               Promise               volunteer               experiences               involve               extensive               travel,               poses               a               degree               of               risk               to               the               participant,               and               extensive               manual               labor,               all               at               a               cost               to               the               volunteers.

These               trips               are               generally               of               short               duration               and               often               result               in               immediate               gratification               for               the               participants               efforts               (AP,               2010).
               Amazon               Promise               maintains               no               paid               staff               in               the               United               States               and               instead               relies               exclusively               on               a               continuous               influx               of               these               "modern               volunteers".

These               "modern               volunteers"               perform               either               in               one               or               two               volunteer               roles;               "Policy               volunteers",               those               individuals               who               provide               regulatory               and               professional               guidance               and               direction               to               Amazon               Promise.

Or,               they               serve               as               "service               volunteers",               those               individuals               who               provide               and               deliver               the               needed               medical               services               and               interaction               with               the               client               base               of               Amazon               Promise               (Brudney,               1995).

Policy               Volunteers-               Amazon               Promise               has               an               established               volunteer               board               of               professionals               who               provide               guidance               and               policy               assistances               (               AP,               2010).

These               participants               bring               forward               a               vast               experience               in               medical               and               professional               management               and               can               impart               on               Amazon               Promise               guidance               on               navigating               the               extensive               regulatory               hurdles               that               Amazon               Promise               must               interface               with               in               order               to               fulfill               its               mission               thus               imparting               their               accumulated               to               knowledge               to               Amazon               Promise               (Sloane,               et.

al.,               2008).

In               addition,               these               volunteers               can               and               do               participate               in               Amazon               Promise               medical               missions.

Service               Volunteers/Medical               professionals-               For               those               licensed               medical               professionals               who               are               seeking               a               volunteerism               experience               aboard,               Amazon               Promise               utilizes               those               volunteer's               professional               skills               to               provide               the               needed               medical               care               to               the               clients               of               Amazon               Promise.

All               medical               professions               are               in               demand               by               the               Amazon               Promise               client               base               and               no               skill               set               is               turned               away.

Since               Amazon               Promise               inception               over               600               medical               professionals               have               contributed               their               time               to               this               cause               (AP,               2010).

Many               of               these               individuals               are               retired               and               are               motivated               in               part               by               the               opportunity               to               share               their               accumulated               knowledge               and               experiences               with               a               receptive               audience,               a               motivation               factor               defined               as               "Knowledge               Sharing"               (Sloan               et.



Service               Volunteers/Medical               students-               Medical,               nursing,               dental               and               physician               assistant               students               who               are               required               to               participate               in               a               medical               internship               can               use               Amazon               Promise               to               fulfill               this               academic               requirement               in               accordance               with               their               medical               or               dental               program               with               the               ultimate               goal               of               using               their               acquired               skill               set               in               the               workforce               provide               volunteers               of               a               specific               mindset.

(AP,               2010;               Shields,               2009).

Amazon               Promise               organizes               a               4               week               medical               mission               attended               primarily               by               these               medical               students               and               have               designed               their               stay               in               order               to               facilitate               the               students               acquirement               of               a               unique               skill               set               and               experience               in               a               shared               environment               (Liu               &               Fang,               2010;               Baytiyeh,               Hoda               &               Pfaffman               2010).

The               medical               students               are               supervised               by               both               American               and               Peruvian               doctors               who               accompany               the               team.

These               volunteers               represent               the               motivation               factor               referred               to               as               "mandatory               volunteering"               or               "marginal               volunteers".

Their               participation               is               influenced               by               an               external               factor;               that               of               their               governing               academic               body               and               their               participation               with               Amazon               Promise               may               be               limited               to               their               volunteer               experience               as               dictated               by               their               academic               program's               requirements(               Schondel               &               Boehm,               2000;               Stebbins,               2009).

Service               Volunteers/Non-medical               volunteers-               Volunteers               without               medical               training               provide               an               important               role               for               the               Amazon               Program               medical               missions.

These               volunteers               assist               with               medical               screening,               patient               registrations,               wound               care,               dressing               of               wounds,               treatment               of               skin               problems               and               bathing               of               children               (AP,               2010).

For               those               volunteers               that               speak               Spanish,               they               may               be               tasked               with               providing               hygiene               or               safe               sex               classes               to               the               client               base               (AP,               2010).

This               group               of               volunteers               represents               perhaps               the               best               source               of               volunteers               who               meet               the               definition               of               "Organizational               Commitment"               of               volunteers               (               Boezman               &               Ellemers,               2008;               Chacón,               Vecina,               &               Davila,               2007).

These               volunteers               are               not               under               any               external               pressure               to               be               on               a               medical               mission               and               are               not               interested               in               the               sharing               of               their               accumulated               knowledge.

Instead,               these               volunteers               are               committed               to               the               Amazon               Promise               organization               based               on               their               personal               dedication               and               the               pride               of               belonging               to               the               organization               and               the               mission               it               fulfills.

These               individuals               represent               the               single               best               source               of               developing               and               retaining               motivated               volunteers               who               will               stay               with               Amazon               Promise               for               an               extended               period               of               time.
               Amazon               Promise's               volunteers               as               a               community               can               best               be               described               as               representing               the               theory               of               "unified               responsibility"(Dutta-Bergman,               2004).

The               Amazon               Promise               volunteers               represent               a               segment               of               society               who               have,               or,               are               attempting               to               attain               high               levels               of               education               and               demonstrate               personal               determination               and               motivation.

The               Amazon               Promise               volunteer               base               is               predominantly               made               up               by               women               rather               than               men               (AP,               2010).

These               volunteers               have               demonstrated               a               high               degree               of               personal               responsibility               and               commitment               in               their               communities,               professional               and               academic               lives.

This               commitment               to               a               community               of               people               and               a               belief               in               assisting               those               less               fortunate               has               propelled               them               to               engage               in               a               volunteer               experience               that               is               most               unique               from               other               volunteer               experiences.

These               are               individuals               who               have               chosen               to               travel               thousands               of               miles,               endure               jungle               heat               and               insects,               exposure               to               tropical               diseases,               work               in               a               slum,               sleep               in               a               tent               and               then               pay               for               the               experience               (AP,               2010).
               Amazon               Promise               is               funded               through               private               individual,               corporate               donations,               and               volunteer               trip               fees               (AP               2010).

The               budget               for               Amazon               Promise               fluctuates               each               year,               as               does               any               organization               that               is               solely               dependent               on               donations.

In               the               last               5               years,               the               Amazon               Promise               budget               has               seen               an               increase               in               valuations               as               public               perception               and               awareness               of               the               organization               has               grown.

These               are               reflected               in               the               following               statistics               which               have               been               derived               from               Amazon               Promises               tax               filings               with               the               Internal               Revenue               Service               (2008)               and               are               presented               in               Figure               1               and               Figure               2.
               Conversely,               Amazon               Promise               has               also               suffered               as               all               other               nonprofit               organizations               with               the               economic               recession               currently               under               way.

Statistically,               Amazon               Promise's               donations               by               total               percentage               are               declining               each               year               since               its               peak               year               of               2006,               although               its               yearly               budget               and               funding               base               continues               to               increase               (an               increase               of               3437%               since               2004).

The               2009               tax               return               is               currently               being               developed               and               will               provide               for               insight               into               the               financial               direction               of               Amazon               Promise,               and               the               possible               influences               of               the               ongoing               worldwide               economic               recession.

Recent               studies               among               nonprofit               organizations               have               demonstrated               an               overall               decline               in               volunteers               and               donations               on               behalf               of               individuals               and               foundations,               and               these               declines               in               Amazon               Promise's               donations               should               not               be               a               cause               for               anxiety               (Garland,               Myers,               &               Wolfer,               2008).

However,               any               nonprofit,               to               include               Amazon               Promise,               with               a               high               volunteer               turnover               rate               will               find               itself               in               a               position               where               accomplishing               the               organization's               mission               will               be               severely               challenged               (Tang,               Morrow-Howell               &               Hong,               2009).
               The               majority               of               Amazon               Promise's               budget               dollars               are               raised               through               trip               fees               that               volunteers               pay               to               attend               one               of               Amazon               Promises               medical               missions.

For               a               one               week               trip,               a               volunteer               is               charged               $1,100.00.

For               a               two               week               trip,               the               fee               is               increased               to               $2,250.00.

Discounts               are               provided               for               repeat               volunteers               (AP,               2010).

These               costs               are               in               line               with               other               volunteer               tourist               organizations               that               operate               in               Peru.
               These               fees               are               used               to               purchase               needed               medical               supplies,               administrative               operations,               and               salaries               of               the               Peruvian               support               teams.

The               Peruvian               support               staff               consists               of               interpreters,               cooks,               boat               captains,               and               security               and               any               other               persons               as               needed               as               specific               mission               needs               dictate.

The               support               staff               is               responsible               for               providing               for               the               volunteers               in               country               logistical               and               operational               needs               when               in               Peru               which               allows               the               volunteers               to               focus               on               their               medical               mission               objectives               (AP,               2010).
               The               forward               looking               goals               of               Amazon               Promise               include               the               following               objectives;               Amazon               Promise               is               currently               work               to               expanding               its               volunteer               base               with               the               intent               of               adding               additional               medical               missions               to               Peru.

Amazon               Promise               wants               to               increase               its               budget               base               by               increasing               the               scope               and               depth               of               its               donations,               corporate               sponsors,               grant               awards               and               increased               participation               with               its               medical               missions.

Amazon               Promise               wants               to               secure               capital               and               operational               funding               for               its               Belen               clinic.

And,               finally               secure               funding               for               the               addition               of               paid               permanent               staff               to               the               organization               (Server               &               Webster,               personal               communications,               July               25,               2010)               Organizational               structure               of               Amazon               Promise
               Amazon               Promise               uses               a               decentralized               organizational               structure               and               does               not               maintain               a               organizational               chart               for               the               organization               Server               (personal               communications,               October               10,               2010).

The               organization               follows               a               traditional               nonprofit               hierarchy,               with               the               President,               answering               to               a               volunteer               board               of               directors.

Answering               to               the               President               are               a               series               of               volunteers               who               have               assumed               specific               job               functions               and               are               in               turn               responsible               for               volunteers               under               their               umbrella               and               specialty.

Amazon               Promise               does               not               make               use               of               Volunteer               Director               at               this               point,               instead               relying               on               each               department               head               to               manage               their               roster               of               volunteers.

These               job               functions               of               the               department               heads               include               the               following               duties:

President-               Currently               filled               by               Patty               Webster.

The               president               is               responsible               for               day               to               day               operations               of               Amazon               Promise.


Webster               oversees               administration,               volunteer,               cultural               and               logistical               operations               both               within               the               United               States               and               Peru               (AP,               2010).

Vice               President-               Currently               filled               by               Abigail               Mitoefer.

The               vice               president               is               responsible               for               augmenting               the               President               in               day               to               day               operations               of               Amazon               Promise               both               within               the               United               States               and               Peru               (AP,               2010).

Director               of               Educational               Programs.

Currently               filled               by               Elena               Deem.

The               director               of               educational               programs               oversees               the               Amazon               Promise               educational               program               which               includes               Soy               Capaz!

A               HIV               prevention,               education               and               patient               care               program.

Volunteers               who               speak               Spanish               are               often               tasked               with               providing               educational               classes               to               the               communities               served               by               Amazon               Promise               (AP,               2010).

Director               of               Dentistry.

Currently               filled               by               Dr.

Robert               Fulton.

The               director               of               Dentistry               overseas               the               Amazon               Promise               dentistry               program.


Fulton               oversees               the               volunteers               who               are               board               certified               dentists               or               those               volunteer               individuals               who               are               currently               fulfilling               their               internship               requirements               for               their               dental               program               (AP,               2010).

Medical               Director.

Currently               filled               by               Dr.

Robert               Hyzy.

The               director               overseas               medical               operations               in               conjunction               with               the               Director               of               Medical               Operations.

The               medical               director               overseas               the               medical               volunteers               who               perform               under               the               guidance               and               supervision               of               the               Peruvian               medical               doctors               who               accompany               the               Amazon               Promise               mission               teams               (http://amazonpromise.org).

Director               of               Medical               Operations.

Currently               filled               by               Melonie               Rockwell.

The               director               of               medical               operations               works               in               conjunction               with               the               Medical               Director               and               overseas               those               volunteers               who               perform               under               the               guidance               and               supervision               of               the               Peruvian               medical               doctors               who               accompany               the               Amazon               Promise               mission               teams               (AP,               2010).

Fundraising               Director.

Currently               filled               by               Kristina               Server.

The               fundraising               director               overseas               the               raising               of               funds               for               Amazon               Promise               (AP,               2010).
               The               unique               nature               of               the               Amazon               Promise               mission               requires               that               volunteers               perform               within               their               specific               areas               of               expertise.

The               medical               professionals               perform               their               volunteer               duties               that               fall               within               their               area               of               responsibility,               however               are               not               expected               to               perform               dental               procedures.

Conversely,               the               dental               professionals               perform               their               volunteer               duties               that               fall               within               their               area               of               responsibility,               however               are               not               expected               to               perform               medical               procedures               and               so               on               (AP,               2010).

Volunteers               may               be               tasked               to               perform               secondary               tasks               outside               of               their               specialty               such               as               triage,               education               or               even               cleaning               the               clinic               when               their               specific               skill               set               is               not               in               need.

A               common               task               for               all               volunteers               is               setting               up               and               or               dismantling               the               clinics,               which               would               include               packing               and               unpacking               of               the               supplies               and               materials.

For               these               reasons,               Amazon               Promise               volunteer               job               description               are               kept               to               a               minimum,               which               is               contrary               to               the               recommendations               of               Lulewicz               (1995)               who               recommends               specific               responsibilities               be               identified               during               the               volunteer               orientation.
               In               Patty               Webster's               communication's               she               has               expressed               her               desire               to               deliver               a               total               commitment               to               her               clients.

To               achieve               this               goal,               Amazon               Promise               needs               to               adopt               a               Total               Quality               Management               philosophy               that               ensures               that               all               personnel,               who               include               volunteers,               clients,               and               vendors,               who               interact               with               Amazon               Promise               receive               an               outstanding               customer               experience.

To               accomplish               this               Amazon               Promise               needs               to               develop,               and               has               expressed               an               interest               in               doing               so,               a               long               term               orientation               towards               the               future               (Champoux               &Yourstone,               1995).

Amazon               Promise               Volunteer               Recruitment               and               Retention
               As               the               first               wave               of               the               77               million               baby               boomers               enter               into               retirement,               nonprofit               organizations               are               presented               the               opportunity               to               harness               an               amazing               resource               of               personnel.

Statistics               have               demonstrated               that               those               persons               that               are               age               65               and               older               will               contribute               an               average               of               104               hours               of               time               versus               the               median               of               52               hours               annually               for               all               other               age               groups               combined               (Tang,               Morrow-Howell,               &               Hong,               2009).A               study               among               retiring               physicians               found               interest               in               volunteering               as               high               as               43%               among               study               participants               (Sloane,               et.

al.,               2008).Further               research               among               older               volunteers               has               found               that               those               who               are               volunteering               are               doing               so               with               the               desire               to               interact               with               other               like               minded               persons               in               a               common               social/work               environment               (Nassar-Mcmillan               &               Lambert,               2003).

These               efforts               among               the               older               population               have               given               rise               to               the               terminology               of               Productive               aging               and               Successful               aging               (Celdrán,               &               Villar,               2007).
               In               contrast,               studies               have               found               that               young               volunteers               are               not               particularly               loyal               to               organizations;               young               volunteers               tend               to               be               particular               as               to               what               function               they               will               perform               for               the               nonprofit               organization               and               they               expect               a               return               on               their               investment               of               time               and               energy               (Rehberg,               2005;               Shields,               2009).

In               addition,               these               younger               volunteers               tend               to               focus               on               three               motivational               factors               in               their               selection               of               who               and               what               cause               they               will               volunteer               and               these               include;               personal               enjoyment,               importance               of               the               task               and               strong               leadership               within               the               volunteer               organization.

(Schondel               &               Boehm,               2000).

Gender               appears               to               have               an               influence               on               volunteering               aswomen               have               a               tendency               to               be               involved               in               nurturing               and               caring               volunteer               roles,               as               demonstrated               by               the               makeup               of               Amazon               Promise               volunteers,               while               men               tend               to               serve               in               more               masculine               volunteer               roles               (Ozorak,               2003)               .
               However,               volunteer               recruitment               is               a               multifaceted               endeavor               that               has               to               be               undertaken               with               a               methodical               and               well               constructed               formula.

An               organization               cannot               just               hope               that               volunteers               will               show               up               and               begin               performing               a               needed               function.

Motivations               of               volunteers               need               to               be               understood               to               ensure               proper               placement               of               the               volunteer.

Foremost,               the               organization               must               first               ensure               that               it               is               ready               to               begin               receiving               volunteers               and               that               these               volunteers               have               been               screened               for               appropriateness.

Not               all               volunteers               are               appropriate               volunteers,               and               an               inappropriate               volunteer               can               in               fact               detract               from               the               mission               of               the               organization.

Volunteer               roles               need               to               be               clearly               defined               so               that               the               volunteer               understands               their               role               within               the               organization               (Ashcraft               &               Kedrowicz,               2002).

In               her               article               "Recruitment,               Orientation               and               Retention",               Jeanne               H.

Bradner               (1999)               recommends               the               following               measures               be               in               place               before               recruiting               for               volunteers:

Develop               a               compelling               mission               statement.Amazon               Promise               does               not               have               a               specific               mission               statement.

However,               its               mission               is               simple;               to               provide               medical               care               free               of               charge               to               the               residents               of               Peru               who               are               unable               to               access               health               care               (Cousteau,               2009).

Conduct               a               needs               assessment               with               the               staff               and               board.Amazon               Promise               recognizes               that               in               order               to               fulfill               its               mission,               volunteers               serve               as               the               backbone               of               their               personnel               in               fulfilling               its               mission.

Each               volunteer               serves               a               vital               role               towards               the               fulfillment               of               the               Amazon               Promise               mission               (Cousteau,               2009).

Create               a               climate               of               agency               readiness               for               volunteers.

Amazon               Promise               mission               needs               dictate               the               needs               for               volunteers               and               as               such               volunteers               are               recognized               as               a               resource               and               not               a               liability.

Amazon               Promise               has               in               place               screening               and               supervision               protocols               for               its               volunteers               to               ensure               that               the               volunteers               understand               their               role               in               Amazon               Promises               mission               and               their               ability               in               ensuring               the               successful               accomplishment               of               the               Amazon               Promise               mission.

Amazon               Promise               does               not               provide               a               budget               for               the               management               of               the               volunteer               staff               (Server,               personnel               communications,               September               28,               2010).

Develop               written               job               descriptions               for               the               volunteer               positions.

The               unique               mission               of               Amazon               Promise               requires               that               each               volunteer               perform               their               specific               volunteer               duty,               and               that               the               volunteers               not               cross               over               into               other               job               functions               while               they               are               deployed               on               a               mission.

Amazon               Promise               has               established               a               set               of               job               descriptions               that               assist               the               volunteer               in               understanding               their               role               on               the               Amazon               Promise               mission.

Server               (personal               communication,               September               28,               2010)               has               described               these               job               descriptions               using               the               information               from               the               Amazon               Promise               website               as               follows:
               Medical               Volunteers:               MD,               PA,               NP,               RN,               Med               Students,               etc.
               Medical               volunteers               provide               the               needed               medical               services,               including               consultations               and               performing               minor               procedures,               at               Amazon               Promise               clinics.

All               members               of               the               team               work               together               to               provide               the               best               in               patient               care.

A               Peruvian               MD               is               on-site               for               consultation               as               well.

The               most               common               health               problems               can               be               categorized               into               acute,               chronic,               and               serious               conditions.

They               include:
               •               Acute:               gastritis,               diarrhea,               parasites,               URI               (all               types),               headaches,               pneumonia,               STDs,
               UTIs,               skin               diseases               (tinea-all               types,               impetigo,               cellulitis,               viral-herpes/varicella,
               abscesses,               scabies,               lice),               back               pain,               general               body               aches,               seizures,               dehydration,               and
               Conjunctivitis               (AP,               2010)
               •               Chronic:               asthma,               diabetes,               hypertension,               arthritis,               anemia,               pterygium,               cataracts,
               malnourishment,               depression,               alcoholism,               domestic               abuse,               dental               disease               (AP,               2010)
               •               Serious:               lacerations,               snake               bites,               ray               stings,               catfish               barbs,               burns,               untreated               wounds,
               TB,               incarcerated/strangulated               hernias,               HIV,               severe               dehydration,               abscesses,               obstetric               complications,               malaria,               leishmaniasis,               and               dengue               fever               (AP,               2010).
               Medical               Volunteers:               Dentists,               Dental               Hygienists
               The               population               in               which               Amazon               Promise               serves               consumes               a               high               amount               of               sucrose,               obtained               either               through               candy,               cola,               or               sugarcane               they               grow               in               their               community.

Thus,               dental               care               is               in               popular               demand.

There               is               no               electricity               at               the               clinic               sites,               except               for               a               generator               in               limited               cases,               and               the               majority               of               the               work               is               oral               surgery               (i.e.

extractions)               performed               with               a               battery               powered               head               light               and               emergency               pathology               (AP,               2010).
               Non-Medical               Volunteers
               Volunteers               without               medical               expertise               provide               essential               support               and               services               on               every               Promise               Expedition.

Previous               non-medical               volunteers               have               assisted               in               pharmacy               operations,               patient               registration,               and               initial               triage               obtaining               the               weight               and               height               of               children               and               adults.

Volunteers               may               also               work               in               wound               care,               washing               and               dressing               wounds,               treating               various               skin               problems               that               need               attention,               and               shampooing               or               bathing               infants               and               children.

All               volunteers               are               given               the               appropriate               training               to               assist               with               their               tasks               (AP,               2010).
               Recruiting               Through               Individual               Contacts
               Perhaps               the               greatest               recruitment               resource               Amazon               Promise               has               is               its               current               volunteer               base               (Server,               personal               communications,               November               28,               2010).

Each               volunteer               has               the               opportunity               to               represent               Amazon               Promise               in               either               a               positive               or               negative               context,               and               how               they               interpret               their               volunteer               experience               with               Amazon               Promise,               will               reflect               in               their               interactions               with               friends               and               family               upon               their               return               home.

By               working               to               ensure               a               as               positive               experience               as               possible               during               the               volunteer               experience,               Amazon               Promise               is               turning               each               volunteer               into               a               potential               Amazon               Promise               ambassador.

In               his               book               Designs               for               Fund-Raising,               Harold               Seymour               (1966)               (as               cited               in               Bradner,               1999)               has               put               forward               two               fundamental               factors               for               volunteer               managers               to               consider:

People               fear               strangers.

Or,               as               applied               to               this               scenario,               they               fear               the               organization.

People               have               an               inherit               fear               of               the               unknown,               and               Amazon               Promise               represents               the               unknown               to               the               average               person.

In               comparison,               the               average               person               can               describe               the               role               of               the               Red               Cross               or               Goodwill,               and               has               far               less               fear               of               interacting               with               or               donating               to               these               organizations.

As               such,               each               Amazon               Promise               volunteer               has               a               chance               to               represent               and               be               an               advocate               for               the               Amazon               Promise               mission.

People               want               to               belong               to               a               worthwhile               group.

Humans               are               collectively               a               social               creature.

We               have               fundamental               needs,               as               explained               by               many               prominent               behavioral               theorists,               to               want               to               belong               to               an               organization               that               promotes               positive               values               and               creates               a               sense               of               worth               and               belonging.

Amazon               Promise               can               fulfill               this               human               need               by               continuing               to               promote               and               develop               its               volunteers,               even               when               they               leave               their               volunteer               experience.
               Recruiting               Through               Organizational               Contacts
               Currently,               Amazon               Promise               uses               one               internet               database,               "Go               Abroad",               for               advertising               for               volunteers               (Server,               personal               communication,               September               26,               2010).

Go               Abroad-               Provides               a               central               database               for               volunteers               to               research               and               compare               volunteer               opportunities               with               their               time               and               abilities.
               324               East               Oak               Street               
               Fort               Collins,               Colorado               80524               U.S.A.

               Phone:               720.570.1702               
               Fax:               720.570.1703
               Recommendation-As               the               following               volunteer               websites               demonstrate,               volunteers               have               the               opportunity               to               research               and               use               various               databases               for               volunteering               experiences.

It               is               recommended               to               Amazon               Promise               to               "advertise"               in               more               than               one               database.

These               sites               were               not               contacted               to               see               if               it               cost               to               post               on               their               websites.

If               budget               constraints               do               not               allow               this,               then               it               is               recommended               that               Amazon               Promise               rotate               its               posting               through               the               various               databases               and               then               track               the               level               of               responses               generated               from               each               site               possibly               indicating               a               more               effective               database               than               what               is               currently               being               used.

Health               Care               Volunteer-               Provides               a               central               database               for               volunteers               to               research               and               compare               volunteer               opportunities               with               their               time               and               abilities.
               HealthCare               Volunteer               
               595               Loyola               Drive               
               Los               Altos,               CA               94024
               Email-               health@healthcarevolunteer.com

International               Health               Volunteers-               Provides               a               central               database               for               volunteers               to               research               and               compare               volunteer               opportunities               with               their               time               and               abilities.
               International               Health               Volunteers
               No               physical               address               or               phone               number               listed.
               Email-               admin@internationalhealthvolunteers.org

International               Medical               Volunteers               Association-               Provides               a               central               database               for               volunteers               to               research               and               compare               volunteer               opportunities               with               their               time               and               abilities.
               International               Medical               Volunteers               Association               

Box               205,               Woodville,               MA.

01784,               USA.


508               435               7377               (USA),               508               HELPERS               

508               497               9568               
               e-mail               info@imva.org

Global               Volunteer               Network               Ltd.

-               Provides               a               central               database               for               volunteers               to               research               and               compare               volunteer               opportunities               with               their               time               and               abilities.
               Global               Volunteer               Network               Ltd.

               PO               Box               30-968               
               Lower               Hutt               
               New               Zealand.
               Email-               info@volunteer.org.nz

American               Medical               Association-               Provides               a               central               database               for               volunteers               to               research               and               compare               volunteer               opportunities               with               their               time               and               abilities.
               American               Medical               Association               
               515               N               State               Street               
               Chicago,               IL               60654-9200
               (800)               262-2260
               Email-               jamacareercenter@ama-assn.org,
               http://www.jamacareercenter.com/               Recruiting               Through               Media               Contacts
               Over               the               last               two               decades               a               host               of               nongovernment               organizations               have               emerged               promoting               humanitarian               aid               to               the               economically               challenged,               conflict               orientated               and               disaster               prone               countries               of               the               world.

These               organizations               are               all               competing               for               the               same               financial               and               volunteer               resources               and               are               currently               competing               against               one               another               in               this               arena.

As               one               NGO               Director               commented               "When               it               all               boils               down,               we're               basically               all               trying               to               do               the               same               thing.

But               we               are               aware               that               we're               all               competing               for               the               same               dollar"               Cottle               &               Nolan               (2007).

Unlike               many               of               the               major               nonprofits               and               nongovernmental               organizations,               Amazon               Promise               does               not               budget               for,               nor               make               use               of               any               paid               advertising               other               than               website               hosting               (Server,               personal               communications,               September               26,               2010).However,               Amazon               Promise               is               competing               against               the               same               organizations               that               do               employ               marketing               mechanisms               for               the               same               volunteer               and               donor               resources.
               Marketing               strategies               designed               for               nonprofit               organizations               are               generally               considered               a               foreign               concept.

Furthermore               marketing               can               take               away               needed               funds               from               the               organization's               mission,               administration               and               operating               budgets.

Marketing               strategies               are               centered               and               focused               on               for               profit               industries               who               are               attempting               to               generate               or               develop               market               share               for               their               goods               and               services               in               a               competitive               capitalistic               environment.

For               the               nonprofit               it               does               not               compete               with               other               nonprofits               for               its               customer               base,               it               competes               with               other               nonprofit               and               nongovernmental               organizations               for               its               resources(Dann               et               al.

2006;               Ellis,               2003)
               Amazon               Promise               has               no               advertising               budget               (Server,               personal               communications,               September               28,               2010).

Instead               it               focuses               on               a               philosophy               that               contrasts               with               major               nonprofits               that               budget               for               their               advertising.

Amazon               Promise               makes               use               of               a               grassroots               methodology               focusing               on               and               relying               on               the               volunteer               experience.

Amazon               Promise               encourages               its               volunteers               to               share               their               experience               with               their               local               newspaper               or               other               media               source.

If               the               volunteer               chooses               to               share               their               experience,               as               Dorothy               McGrath               did               with               the               Fosters               Daily               Democrat               in               September               2010,               then               this               free               media               coverage               will               generate               positive               publicity               and               good               will               within               the               local               community               and               hopefully               generate               further               curiosity               by               other               interested               parties.
               News               organizations               coverage;

Cultural               Survival,               summer,               2004.


March,               2008.


Celine               Cousteau.

November,               2008.

Angels               in               Medicine,               February               5,               2009.

Huffington               Post,               March               18,               2010.

Fosters               Daily               Democrat.

September               8,               2010.

Recruiting               with               social               media               coverage
               Social               networks               emerged               in               2003               and               gain               social               prominence               in               2005/2006,               as               a               means               for               individuals               to               share               a               common               interest               with               one               another               in               an               online               format.

A               variety               of               these               social               networks               have               emerged,               some               specializing               in               certain               components               of               social               networking               and               no               doubt               many               more               will               emerge               as               business               models               change               with               time.

Some               of               the               more               popular               social               networks               include:               Facebook,               MySpace,               LinkedIn,               Xing               and               UberMens,               Photobucket,               Twitter               and               YouTube,               each               targeting               a               specific               user               group.

Facebook               is               currently               the               standard               of               the               social               networks               with               the               largest               participatory               body               of               users,               which               is               estimated               at               around               500,000,000               individual               users               (Post,               2010).
               Currently,               the               ability               of               Facebook               to               generate               revenues               in               the               traditional               manner               of               advertising               is               in               question.

In               a               recent               survey               of               business               executives,               42               percent               of               the               survey               respondents               reported               no               change               in               sales               as               a               result               of               social               media               (Elliot,               2010).

However,               what               is               not               in               question               is               the               ability               of               Social               Media               to               generate               band               awareness               of               a               company.

Kellogg               Company,               maker               of               Pop               Tarts,               has               developed               a               Facebook               Page               devoted               to               "Pop-Tarts",               the               site               has               attracted               over               2.3               million               fans,               and               an               estimated               7,000               befriend               the               site               a               day.

Marc               Pritchard,               global               marketing               and               chief               branding               officer               for               Proctor               and               Gamble               describes               the               advent               of               social               media               as               "that               we               are               at               the               start               of               one               of               the               most               exciting               eras               in               brand               building               history"               (Elliot,               2010).

The               reason               is               simple;               everyone               can               participate               (Post,               2010).
               Social               marketing               allows               the               users               to               develop               and               direct               a               specific               market               to               the               organizations               target               audience               in               a               process               referred               to               as               benefit               positioning.

Benefit               positioning               allows               the               organization               to               deliver               thru               various               social               networks               a               message               of               unique               experience,               and               an               opportunity               to               participate               in               a               organization               that               provides               a               positive               experience               for               the               end               user,               and               in               turn               the               volunteer               (Boehm,               2010).

This               method               provides               the               nonprofit               an               opportunity               to               expand               its               social               network               and               an               opportunity               to               develop               social               capital               (Antoni,               2009).

Facebook-As               of               this               writing,               442               individuals               have               connected               with               and               expressed               an               interest               in               the               work               and               mission               of               Amazon               Promise               on               Facebook.

With               over               500               million               users,               Facebook               represents               the               single               number               one               source               of               recruitment,               marketing,               and               fundraising               opportunities               for               Amazon               Promise               with               no               cost               to               the               organization               other               than               personnel               labor               and               commitment.
               As               of               this               case               study's               publication               the               following               entries               and               notes               have               been               recorded               on               Amazon               Promise's               Facebook               page;
               October               2010-               3               entries.
               September               2010-               3               entries.
               July               2010-1               entries.
               June               2010-               1               entries.
               March               2010-               12               entries.
               December               2009-               1               entries.
               1               photo               was               posted               in               the               photo               albums               section.
               1               query               of               interest               was               posted               by               a               Kris               Melchert               a               potential               volunteer               in               December               2009               who
               was               requesting               information               on               volunteering.
               To               compare               Amazon               Promise's               friend               ratio               to               other               nonprofit               groups               an               informal               survey               was               conducted               of               the               following               nonprofit               group               categories               and               the               average               number               of               friend's               per               group               on               Facebook               was               noted-
               Domestic               Violence               awareness-               1,509               friends               on               average.
               Humane               Societies-               1,187               friends               on               average.
               Child               Welfare-               1,143               friends               on               average.
               Literacy               groups-               656               friends               on               average.
               Red               Cross               Chapters-               583               friends               on               average.
               Amazon               Promise-               442               friends               listed.
               Indigent               healthcare-               226               friends               on               average.
               Food               banks-               175               friends               on               average.

You               tube-Provides               a               venue               from               which               Amazon               Promise               and               its               supporters               can               and               do               post               video               of               their               missions               in               Peru.

A               total               of               9               videos               have               been               posted               by               persons               who               have               an               interest               in               Amazon               Promise

April,               2009-               http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V9dlgcfI70E

March,               2010-               http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJO5eiP76Y4

March,               2009-               http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bFD084MNT4o

February,               2009-               http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WeoqDyhNl9E

February,               2010-               http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1w6L6-khxvM

October,               2008-               http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9h-DNgZw4Cg

October,               2008-               http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZ-iEwA50iI

May,               2009-               http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=biMWkouAb2g

August,               2009-               http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=35wwTd7WsZM
               These               videos               have               been               viewed               3,145               times.
               4               positive               comments               were               posted               by               viewers               of               the               videos.
               1               person,               Dr.

Tudor               Marian               posted               a               query               asking               for               additional               information               on               the               activities               of               Amazon               Promise
               Recommendation-               There               has               been               explosive               growth               of               social               networking               through               the               various               channels               such               as               Facebook,               You               Tube               and               others.

And               this               trend               of               using               social               media               as               an               inexpensive               outlet               for               an               organization               for               the               foreseeable               future,               it               is               recommended               that               a               volunteer               be               responsible               for               overseeing               and               expanding               the               connections               thru               Facebook.

This               "Social               Media               Coordinator"               would               be               responsible               for               the               following               functions.

Expanding               Amazon               Promise               presence               through               social               alliances               with               other               nonprofits               and               nongovernmental               agencies               who               share               a               like               presence               in               Peru.

Expanding               Amazon               Promises               presence               through               social               alliances               with               other               nonprofit               and               nongovernmental               agencies               who               share               a               similar               mission               statement.

Interaction               with               any               person               who               queries               on               the               Amazon               Promise               Facebook               page               requesting               additional               information               or               leaves               a               comment.

Posting               of               missions               to               Peru,               upcoming               dates               for               the               missions               and               the               preparations               in               place.

Posting               of               photographs               of               volunteers               in               action.
               See               sample               job               description               for               Social               Media               Coordinator               in               appendix.

Limitations               of               motivation
               While               studies               have               demonstrated               that               the               positive               effects               of               volunteering               among               participants               include               better               physical               health,               improved               well               being               and               increased               longevity               and               overall               personal               satisfaction(Pillemer,               et.

al.,               2009;               Chacón,               Vecina,               &               Davila,               2007).

Volunteers               take               part               in               a               nonprofit               organization               not               for               tangible               benefits,               and               the               challenge               to               the               manager               of               a               nonprofit               is               how               to               continue               to               motivate               those               volunteers               (Millette,               Gagne,               2008).

There               are               components               of               volunteering               that               the               volunteer               manager               needs               to               be               aware               of               in               regards               to               maintaining               a               strong               and               viable               volunteer               workforce.

Volunteering               does               not               come               without               a               cost,               in               fact               when               the               volunteer               does               volunteer               they               are               choosing               one               intangible               experience               over               a               tangible               experience               (MacNeela,               2008).

One               area               of               concern               is               volunteer               "burnout".

Currently               defined               as               a               period               of               physical,               mental               and               emotional               exhaustion               brought               on               by               exposure               to               high               emotional               demand.

"Burnout"               while               typically               assigned               to               professional               employees,               who               have               lost               interest               in               their               work,               can               and               is,               being               applied               to               the               volunteer               worker.

Multiple               studies               have               been               completed,               identifying               and               discussing               volunteer               burnout,               with               the               most               common               end               result               being               the               loss               of               the               volunteer               from               the               host               organization(Pilar,               Jime´nez,               &               Hidalgo,               2010).

This               loss               of               volunteers               has               been               found               to               be               as               high               as               35               -               40%               among               first               year               volunteers               (Chacón,               Vecina,               &               Davila,               2007).
               Some               researchers               are               beginning               to               look               into               in               international               volunteering               and               its               effects               on               host               communities.

While               studies               of               volunteers               who               participate               in               international               or               tourism               volunteering               repeatedly               show               the               participants               volunteered               for               altruistic               motives               and               there               is               no               suspicion               of               the               participant               intentions               (Rehberg,               2005;               Ooi               &               Laing,               2009).

Recent               research               has               begun               to               explore               the               negative               aspects               of               volunteer               tourism               on               the               host               country               and               communities               and               it               has               been               argued               that               volunteer               tourism               can               enforce               "a               form               of               neo-colonialism               or               imperialism"               with               respect               to               developing               nations               (Raymond               &               Hall,               2008).
               Legal               liability               and               the               impact               on               both               the               organization               and               the               volunteer               should               be               addressed.

While               legal               protections               do               exist               in               the               form               of               some               federal               and               state               laws,               such               as               the               Federal               Volunteer               Protection               Act               of               1997.

Within               the               professional               positions,               such               as               the               medical               profession,               a               concern               over               liability               is               a               major               issue               among               participants               and               must               be               addressed               by               the               nonprofit               organization(Sloane,               et.

al.,               2008).
               Furthermore,               the               economic               recession               that               the               United               States               is               currently               undergoing               could               have               far               ranging               impacts               on               volunteer               staff.

Recent               studies               have               demonstrated               a               decline               in               volunteering               among               women               and               retirees,               two               groups               of               personnel               who               are               generally               known               for               donating               their               time               and               energy(Garland,               Myers,               &               Wolfer               2008).

Application               process
               Applicants               are               asked               to               submit               an               application               to               Amazon               Promise               for               consideration               to               be               on               a               medical               mission.

This               application               includes               the               volunteer               signing               a               hold               harmless               agreement               and               an               understanding               that               they               will               be               working               in               remote               conditions               (AP,               2010).

Volunteer               Screening
               Volunteering               with               Amazon               Promise               in               Peru               poses               a               degree               of               risk               to               the               volunteer.

Amazon               Promise               recognizes               these               risks,               and               as               such               has               implemented               the               following               measures               to               ensure               that               volunteers               that               participate               are               afforded               a               experience               that               is               as               risk               free               as               possible.

Volunteers               should               be               prepared               to               work               in               an               area               that               lacks               infrastructure               and               conveniences               that               the               volunteer               may               be               traditionally               used               to.

On               some               expeditions,               volunteers               should               have               experience               with               remote               extended               camping               operations               and               way               of               life               (AP,               2010)
               Video               screening-               Amazon               Promise               encourages               volunteers               to               watch               videos               of               its               in               country               working               conditions.

Not               all               potential               volunteers               want               to               work               in               an               environment               exposed               to               the               types               of               conditions               that               Amazon               Promise               works               in.

These               videos,               blogs               and               trip               reports               serve               as               the               first               level               of               orientation               to               Amazon               Promise               and               as               a               potential               filter               to               eliminate               candidates               who               may               not               be               the               most               suited               for               a               Amazon               Promise               mission               (AP,               2010).
               Medical               Screening-               Volunteers               should               be               in               good               health.


Amazon               Promise               expeditions               can               involve               traveling               to               highly               remote               locations               involving               airplane,               helicopter,               boat               or               canoe,               and               hiking               to               reach               these               remote               locations.

The               operational               area               of               Amazon               Promise               does               not               have               access               to               rapid               governmental               assistance               in               the               event               of               an               emergency               evacuation               is               necessary.

Therefore,               it               is               recommended               that               these               participants               be               experienced               in               living               in               and               operating               in,               areas               of               remoteness               and               be               in               sound               physical               condition               to               participate               in               such               activity               (AP,               2010).
               Professional               screening-               All               medical               professional               volunteers               are               asked               to               provide               copies               of               current               licensure               to               Amazon               Promise               for               screening               by               the               Peruvian               medical               authorities.

The               Peru               authorities               reserve               the               right               to               not               allow               any               medical               professional               to               participate               with               an               Amazon               Promise               mission               (AP,               2010).
               Recommendation-It               is               recommended               that               Amazon               Promise               screen               medical               volunteers               for               possible               candidates               who               may               not               meet               the               operational               needs               of               the               organization               through               the               following               database:
               National               Practitioner               Data               Bank               
               Healthcare               Integrity               and               Protection               Data               Bank               

Box               10832               
               Chantilly,               VA               20153-0832
               1-800-767-6732               (1-800-SOS-NPDB)
               In               country               orientation-Volunteers               undergo               an               orientation               once               they               arrive               in               Peru.

This               orientation               is               to               brief               the               volunteers               on               what               they               can               expect               during               their               volunteer               experience,               local               customs,               spiritual               beliefs               and               way               of               life,               and               Amazon               Promise               policies               for               interaction               with               the               client               base               (Server,               personal               communications,               September               28,               2010).

Volunteer               Retention
               Due               to               the               unique               mission               of               Amazon               Promise,               and               the               unique               nature               of               the               volunteers               that               participate               with               Amazon               Promise               creates               a               situation               where               not               all               volunteers               may               return               and               continue               service               with               the               organization.

These               episodic               "modern               volunteers"               who               volunteer               with               Amazon               Promise,               can               just               as               easily               volunteer               with               any               number               of               other               organizations               that               perform               a               similar               mission               function               in               any               other               part               of               the               world.

Amazon               Promise               recognizes               that               under               these               circumstances,               they               are               unable               to               build               a               volunteer               network               base               in               size               that               is               comparable               to               other               nonprofits               that               are               located               stateside.

However,               Amazon               Promise               has               found               that               those               who               do               commit               become               long               term               and               devoted               volunteers               (Server,               personal               communications,               November               08,               2010).

Risk               Management               Plan               and               Techniques
               Volunteer               management               and               administration               should               be               considered               the               profession               that               it               represents.

It               is               suspected               that               most               volunteer               managers               have               assumed               these               management               positions               while               not               actually               having               experience               in               management               of               volunteers               (Stepputat,               1995).

Under               these               conditions               managers               may               not               be               aware               of               the               first               area               of               responsibility               and               perhaps               the               most               vulnerable               for               risks,               the               volunteers.

Volunteers               who               function               under               the               umbrella               of               Amazon               Promise,               while               consensual               workers               and               not               compensated               for               their               efforts,               are               still               protected               under               certain               federal               statutes               as               would               a               paid               employee               who               for               a               company.

The               Fair               Labors               Standards               Act               and               the               Department               of               Labor               has               outlined               specific               regulations               ensuring               that               the               volunteer               has               within               his               or               her               rights               certain               protections               (Eide,               1995).

In               this               volunteers               need               to               be               treated               in               such               a               manner               as               would               any               for               profit               organization               would               treat               a               paid               employee.
               Volunteer               liability               is               another               area               of               concern               and               the               actions               or               inactions               of               a               volunteer               can               have               legal               ramifications               to               a               organization               (Quattrocki,               1995).

Amazon               Promise               has               retained               legal               counsel               in               Peru               and               the               United               States               to               assist               with               any               issues               that               may               arise               from               their               interactions               with               volunteers               and               clients               (AP,               2010).

The               development               and               implementation               of               Amazon               Promise               policies               can               serve               as               a               method               of               reducing               liability               by               defining               clear               responsibilities               for               volunteers               and               establishing               boundaries               (Graff,               2010).
               Poor               volunteer               relations               can               also               resulting               out               of               poor               communications,               misunderstandings,               failure               to               understand               directions               and               a               host               of               other               reasons.

For               these               reasons               and               others               a               volunteer               audit               can               serve               as               a               mechanism               for               discovering               and               eliminating               those               situations               that               are               causing               poor               relations               among               the               volunteer's               of               Amazon               Promise               (Macduff,               1999).
               Katherine               Vargo               (1995)               has               outlined               five               primary               areas               for               an               organization               to               focus               on               to               effectively               manage               their               operational               risks.

Four               of               these               methods               are               defined               as               the               following               and               the               current               efforts               underway               by               Amazon               Promise               to               incorporate               these               are               as               follows:
               Avoidance-               Avoidance               is               a               risk               management               technique               where               an               organization               undertakes               the               deliberate               effort               of               not               engaging               in               activities               that               will               put               the               organization               at               risk.

Amazon               Promise               incorporates               this               practice               in               the               following               manners:

Client               interaction               by               volunteers               on               the               professional               level               is               limited               to               the               volunteer's               skill               set.

For               example               a               volunteer               dentist               does               not               perform               medical               procedures.

Amazon               Promise               recognizes               it's               limitations               on               delivering               medical               care.

Clients               who               seek               medical               assistance               by               Amazon               Promise               personnel               and               whose               injuries               and/or               illness               exceed               the               capabilities               of               Amazon               Promise               will               be               evacuated               by               Amazon               Promise               personnel               to               a               regional               medical               facility.

Recognizing               the               Amazon               can               be               a               dangerous               place               to               work,               Amazon               Promise               has               developed               protocols               for               volunteers               to               adhere               to               before               reporting               to               an               assignment.

These               protocols               include               screening               of               volunteers               for               suitability,               immunizations               of               volunteers               to               limit               contractions               with               disease,               and               requiring               volunteers               to               adhere               to               the               team               leader               while               operating               under               the               Amazon               Promise               umbrella               (AP,               2010)
               Recommendation-               Amazon               Promise               could               screen               medical               volunteers               for               potential               professional               problems               with               the               following               database               before               accepting               and               deploying               them               to               Peru.
               National               Practitioner               Data               Bank               
               Healthcare               Integrity               and               Protection               Data               Bank               

Box               10832               
               Chantilly,               VA               20153-0832
               1-800-767-6732               (1-800-SOS-NPDB)
               Noninsurance               Transfers-               Noninsurance               transfers               is               a               risk               management               technique               where               an               organization               undertakes               the               deliberate               transference               of               risk.

Amazon               Promise               seeks               to               limit               its               liability               exposure               to               risk               through               several               methods.

As               a               provider               of               adventure               tourism,               Amazon               Promise               limits               its               liability               exposure               by               having               the               volunteer               participant's               review               and               sign               hold-harmless               agreements,               releasing               Amazon               Promise               from               liability               in               the               event               of               volunteer               accident.

As               a               provider               of               medical               care,               Amazon               Promise               limits               its               liability               exposure               by               having               professionals               operate               only               within               their               sphere               of               influence.

Medical               interns               are               supervised               by               a               Peruvian               doctor               during               their               deployment               and               interaction               with               patients               (AP,               2010)
               Loss               Control-               Loss               Control               is               a               risk               management               technique               where               an               organization               seeks               to               limit               its               loss               of               physical               goods               and               injury               to               participants.

Amazon               Promise               seeks               to               limit               its               losses               on               personnel               and               material               goods               by               the               following               methods.

Amazon               Promise               contracts               with               local               security               companies               to               provide               security               personnel               while               it               operates               the               clinic               in               Belen,               Peru               to               provide               personal               and               physical               security               to               the               team.

Amazon               Promise               requires               its               volunteer               to               be               fully               aware               of               the               inherit               risk               of               volunteering               in               remote               wilderness               conditions               and               requires               its               participants               to               consult               with               a               physician               and               have               the               appropriate               tropical               vaccinations.

Volunteers               are               briefed               on               arrival               regarding               operational               standards,               codes               of               conduct,               tribal               practices               and               risks               within               the               operational               zone               (AP,               2010).
               Insurance-               Serves               as               the               last               line               of               defense               in               organizations               efforts               to               protect               itself               from               an               unexpected               loss               or               catastrophic               event.

The               following               insurances               are               available               on               the               commercial               market               and               are               recommended               to               nonprofit               organizations               for               their               consideration.

Property               Damage               Control

Commercial               General               Liability

Vehicle               Insurance

Umbrella               or               Excess               Liability               Insurance

Workers               Compensation

Commercial               Crime               Insurance

Directors               and               Officers               Liability               Insurance

Professional               Liability               Insurance

Volunteer               Liability               Insurance

Volunteer               Accident               and               Injury               Coverage

Accidental               Death               and               Dismemberment               Insurance
               Of               these               insurance,               Amazon               Promise               carries               liability               insurance               in               the               United               States.

Server               (personal               communications,               December               1,               2010)
               Retention-               Retention               is               when               an               organization               assumes               the               risk               for               loss               within               its               operating               parameters               and               chooses               not               to               insure               against               a               risk.

Amazon               Promise               has               done               this               with               the               temporary               clinic               in               Belen,               Peru               (Server,               personal               communications,               December               1,               2010).
               What               has               been               accomplished               by               Patty               Webster               and               her               volunteers               that               make               up               Amazon               Promise               is               nothing               short               of               amazing.

Operating               on               a               shoe               string               budget,               Amazon               Promise               has               brought               medical               care               to               a               people               that               have               all               but               been               ignored               by               the               Peruvian               authorities.

The               efforts               by               Amazon               Promise               have               brought               relief               from               suffering,               improved               the               health               and               in               many               cases,               saved               lives.

The               numbers               of               people               seen               by               Amazon               Promise's               volunteers               on               the               medical               mission's               number               not               in               the               hundreds,               or               thousands               but               in               the               tens               of               thousands.

This               is               truly               a               miracle               in               the               jungle.
               However,               for               Amazon               Promise               to               reach               the               next               level               fundamental               changes               must               be               undertaken               in               the               administrative               aspects               of               the               organization.

Amazon               Promise               needs               to               develop               a               professional               cadre               which               can               step               in               and               take               over               the               administrative               functions               that               are               currently               being               handled               by               volunteers.

This               professional               cadre               needs               to               be               able               to               draw               a               salary,               so               that               it               becomes               their               regular               job               and               their               primary               focus               Monday               through               Friday,               9am               to               5pm.

During               the               research               for               this               study               when               I               compared               Amazon               Promise               with               other               nonprofits               that               have               a               professional               staff,               the               differences               found               in               organizational               growth               among               other               younger               nonprofits               were               profound.
               This               is               not               to               say               the               Amazon               Promise               volunteers               are               not               working               hard               and               doing               their               best.

However,               they               are               volunteers,               and               as               such,               they               have               to               split               their               precious               time               between               their               regular               jobs,               their               families,               their               personal               lives               and               then               at               last,               Amazon               Promise.

Under               these               circumstances,               Amazon               Promise               will               always               be               the               volunteer's               secondary               effort,               while               Patty               Webster               makes               it               her               first               effort.
               Patty               Webster               and               Amazon               Promise               volunteers               have               already               completed               the               hard               work.

The               relationships               in               Peru               are               established.

The               relationships               with               volunteers               have               been               established.

The               organization               has               developed               national               media               exposure               and               with               it               public               scrutiny,               and               has               passed               the               test               with               flying               colors.

The               future               for               Amazon               Promise               looks               promising,               and               I               am               appreciative               of               them               for               allowing               me               to               be               a               part               of               their               organization               and               to               help               in               a               small               way.
               Thanks               again!
               Eric               J.

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               Figure               1               and               figure               2,               Donation               trends               and               totals.

Donation               Year               Amount               Increase               from               Prior               Year               2004               $               4,300.00               2005               $               34,904.00               711%               2006               $               86,018.00               146%               2007               $               131,844.00               53%               2008               $               147,821.00               12%
               Figure               3,               Risk               Management               plan               and               options.
               Strengths,               Weaknesses,               Opportunities,               and               Threats               Analysis
               StrengthsRisk               Level               LowRisk               Level               MediumRisk               Level               High
               Options               Operating               for               extended               period               of               time.

LOW               RISK
               No               Change.

Established               local               support               network.

LOW               RISK
               No               Change.

Developing               market               for               adventure               volunteerism.

LOW               RISK
               Diversify               advertising.

Developing               nonprofit               exposure.

LOW               RISK
               Diversify               advertising.
               Declining               donations.
               MEDIUM               RISK
               Diversify               support               base.

               Full               time               staff.
               MEDIUM               RISK
               Hire               staff.

Fund               raising.
               MEDIUM               RISK
               Hire               staff.

Management               staff               not               compensated.
               MEDIUM               RISK
               Staff               salary's               Physical               dangers               present               in               operating               area.
               HIGH               RISK
               Continue               with               present               safety               measures.
               Growing               brand               awareness.

LOW               RISK
               Continue               to               draw               attention               to               AP.

Unlimited               needs               of               Peru               people.
               MEDIUM               RISK
               Focus               on               core               customer               base.

Develop               social               media               networking.

LOW               RISK
               Expand               Facebook               interaction.

               Are               there               any               new               customer               needs               that               need               to               be               met?
               MEDIUM               RISK
               Focus               on               core               customer               base.
               Damage               to               Belen               Clinic.
               HIGH               RISK
               Insure               against               loss.

Injury               to               client.
               HIGH               RISK
               Insure               against               loss.

Injury               to               volunteer.
               HIGH               RISK
               Insure               against               loss.

Decline               in               volunteer               support.
               HIGH               RISK
               Diversify               volunteer               base.

               Government               interference.

LOW               RISK
               Continue               to               work               with               locals.

               Loss               of               key               personnel
               HIGH               RISK
               Develop               replacement               leader.

Fraud               and               theft               of               AP               funds               LOW               RISK
               Use               layers               of               financial               oversight.
               Social               Media               Coordinator               Job               Profile               and               Description
               As               a               large               number               of               youth               spend               time               in               the               social               networking               sites               nowadays,               companies               understand               the               potential               of               this               field               and               use               this               platform               as               an               effective               marketing               tool.

The               social               media               coordinator               must               have               a               sustained               and               regular               presence               in               social               media               sites               and               make               effective               strategies               to               promote               his               company's               products               and               services.
               Duties               and               Responsibilities
               A               social               media               coordinator               must               launch               and               manage               social               media               presence               on               sites               like               MySpace,               Facebook,               Twitter               etc               He/she               should               be               able               to               work               across               departments               to               ensure               proper               messaging               is               being               executed               online               that               will               help               reach               the               company               objectives               He/she               has               to               support               and               protect               brand               by               making               sure               that               positive               messaging               is               maintained               in               community               and               establish               consistency               of               messages               He/she               has               to               manage               online               discussions               by               listening               to               what               the               users               are               saying,               reading               discussion               forums,               and               responding               in               a               timely               manner               to               the               users'               needs               He/she               has               to               regularly               monitor               and               track               discussion               topics               for               the               management               team               He/she               must               prepare               reports               to               update               internal               staff               on               usage               statistics               Skills               and               Specifications
               A               social               media               director               needs               to               have               excellent               communications               skills,               both               verbal               and               written               He/she               should               know               about               different               social               media               space               and               use               different               consumer               statistics               to               his               advantage               He/she               should               be               a               regular               member               of               social               media               sites,               blogs,               twitter               etc               He/she               should               good               analytical               and               networking               skills               He/she               must               be               experienced               in               online               marketing,               advertising               and               public               relations               strategies               The               candidate               must               be               able               to               work               in               a               fast-paced               environment               and               must               have               good               leadership               quality               Education               and               Qualifications
               However,               for               the               purposes               of               Amazon               Promise               this               may               not               be               needed.

A               coordinator               should               specialize               in               sales               and               marketing               and               needs               to               have               active               knowledge               of               social               media               websites               in               order               to               use               it               effectively.

Source               http://www.samplejobdescriptions.org/
               Volunteer               Manager               Job               Description
               General               Job               Description:
               Primary:               The               Volunteer               Manager               supervises               volunteers               and               provides               direction,               coordination,
               and               consultation               for               all               volunteer               functions               within               the               Amazon               Promise.
               Secondary:               The               position               manages               the               Volunteer               Office               while               working               in               an               unstructured               environment               with               numerous               interruptions               throughout               the               day.
               Job               Duties               and               Responsibilities               (Other               duties               may               be               assigned               as               appropriate.)
               •               Develop,               promote,               and               maintain               a               wide               range               of               volunteer               opportunities               within               the               organization.
               •               Survey               staff               regularly               to               assess               needs               for               volunteer               assistance.
               •               Develop               and               manage               volunteer               policies,               procedures,               and               standards               of               volunteer               service.
               •               Organize               and               participate               in               volunteer               recognition               programs               and               special               events
               •               Evaluate               all               aspects               of               volunteer               programs               to               ensure               effectiveness               and               to               recommend/implement               changes               as               appropriate.
               •               Maintain               accurate               records               and               provide               timely               statistical               and               activity               reports               on               volunteer
               •               Recruit,               interview               and               place               applicants               for               volunteer               work.
               •               Host               and               attend               recruiting               events               within               the               community               to               attract               qualified               candidates.
               •               Work               with               Marketing               and               Public               Relations               and               professional               associations               to               publicize
               opportunities               for               volunteers.
               •               Develop               and               maintain               relationships               with               other               volunteer               organizations               within               the               area.
               •               Provide               ongoing               support               and               guidance               for               volunteers.
               •               Act               as               a               single               point               of               contact               for               communications.
               •               Confer               with               volunteers               to               resolve               grievances               and               promote               cooperation               and               interest.
               •               Create               and               distribute               various               communications               and               publications.
               •               Author               monthly               newsletter.
               •               Facilitate               distribution               of               information               relevant               to               volunteers.
               Volunteer               Manager               Job               Description               cont.
               •               Author               written               communications               such               as               letters,               Amazon               Promise               practices,               instructions,               or               other               media,               as               appropriate.
               To               be               successful,               an               individual               must               be               able               to               perform               each               job               duty               satisfactorily.
               Education               and               Experience
               •               Possess               a               (level               of               education)               have               job-related               experience,               such               as               managing               volunteer               programs,               leading               teams               and/or               organizations.
               •               Knowledge               of               management               principles               and               evaluation               techniques               related               to               programs               that
               involve               a               cadre               of               volunteers.
               Proficient               in               basic               computer               applications,               such               as               word               processing,               spreadsheets,               and
               internet               usage,               record               keeping               skills               (for               admissions               and               marketing)               organization               and               planning               skills.
               •               Demonstrated               capability               to               conduct               one's               self               in               a               calm               and               professional               demeanor               when
               dealing               with               the               public               and/or               with               difficult               situations.
               •               Demonstrated               capability               to               effectively               communicate               orally               and               in               writing.
               •               Ability               to               work               well               with               a               diverse               group               of               staff               and               volunteers.
               •               Willingness               to               adjust               hours               to               accommodate               the               needs               of               the               job.
               •               Ability               to               effectively               manage               a               wide               array               of               tasks,               projects,               and               responsibilities.
               •               Ability               to               work               productively               in               an               unstructured               environment               with               frequent               interruptions.

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      Lessons learned in the definition, measurement,management and improvement of global commercial and government supply / value chains.

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