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About 'management accounting principles'|What is the role of management accounting information in influencing pricing decisions

About 'management accounting principles'|What is the role of management accounting information in influencing pricing decisions

               Traditional               management               accounting               involves               methods               of               spending               tracking               that               have               been               used               for               decades               to               help               with               business               decision-making.

Despite               today's               computers,               traditional               management               accounting               principles               are               still               widely               used               and               provide               the               basis               of               computer               accounting               software.

Understanding               how               these               methods               work               helps               understand               why               modern               accounting               methods               may               be               better               or               worse,               even               if               automated               on               a               computer.
               Early               Cost               Accounting
               Cost               accounting               attempts               to               attribute               every               cost               incurred               to               a               product               or               service               sold.

This               includes               both               direct               and               indirect               expenses.

The               labor               and               materials               used               to               make               a               product               are               direct               costs.

The               electricity               to               power               the               factor               is               not               unit-specific               and               has               to               be               spread               out.

Cost               accounting               takes               such               costs               and               attributes               them               on               all               on               products               or               services               sold.

This               is               called               overhead.

Businesses               have               used               this               method               since               the               early               1900s               to               recapture               their               expenses               through               items               sold               (see               Reference               3).

The               earliest               methods               broke               such               costs               down               to               an               hourly               value               and               attributed               them               to               the               production               expense               per               each               unit               made.
               Budgeting               accounting               involves               setting               an               allowed               expense               amount               for               an               activity               over               a               period               of               time.

The               activity               or               production               process               has               to               stay               within               budget               during               that               time               window.

This               method               of               traditional               accounting               was               used               as               early               as               250               years               ago               in               England               to               place               a               cap               on               expenses               for               a               business               (see               Reference               3).

If               expenses               stayed               within               budget,               then               the               operation               ran               well.

If               it               exceeded               the               allowed               budget,               then               the               operation               had               a               problem               due               to               management's               failure.
               Cash               Monitoring
               This               management               tool               focuses               on               the               cash               flows               within               a               business:               inflow               and               outflow.

By               focusing               on               revenue               and               expenses               in               terms               of               cash               in               the               bank               account,               the               management               accounting               manager               is               putting               attention               on               short-term               changes               to               stay               above               $0.

From               this               perspective,               the               business               needs               to               stay               solvent.

Going               deficit               means               the               business               has               to               temporarily               stop               until               it               has               cash               flow               again.

A               cash               approach,               as               a               result,               does               not               allow               for               business               decisions               based               on               accruals               or               credit.
               Incremental               Change               Analysis
               For               accounts               receivables               incremental               analysis               helps               decision-making               using               accounting               data               that               tracks               changes               in               money               owed               to               a               business.

By               keeping               accounts               receivable               low               with               prompt               and               aggressive               attention               and               follow-up,               a               business               can               make               sure               revenue               continues               timely               and               credit               extensions               to               customers               are               kept               to               a               minimum.

Every               company               for               centuries               has               understood               that               eventually               customers               who               don't               pay               up               are               bad               for               business.
               Return               on               Investment
               The               primary               focus               of               a               business               is               to               make               profit.

So,               from               an               account               perspective,               business               in               the               early               1900s               began               to               seek               some               sort               of               method               to               show               this               profit               actually               occurring               (see               Reference               3).

The               return               on               investment               method               allowed               business               to               use               different               approach               per               function,               but               at               the               end               the               unit               or               section               was               measured               on               how               much               profit               over               cost               was               produced.

This               margin               became               the               return               on               investment               of               the               money               originally               expended               as               a               business.
               Dennis               Caplan:               Management               Accounting               -               Concepts               and               Techniques               
               Micro               Business               Publications:               Chapter               2               -               Management               Accounting               and               Decision-Making               
               Managerial               Accounting:               Traditional               Managerial               Accounting               

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management accounting principles
management accounting principles

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management accounting principles
management accounting principles

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management accounting principles
management accounting principles

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management accounting principles
management accounting principles

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management accounting principles
management accounting principles

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