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레이블이 Business Accounting Definition인 게시물을 표시합니다. 모든 게시물 표시

2013년 11월 25일 월요일

About 'what is the meaning of management accounting'|...new economy of today (think blog etc.) is ...other than the company...whatever it means), as well...to its account management and its...advertise what the brand...

About 'what is the meaning of management accounting'|...new economy of today (think blog etc.) is ...other than the company...whatever it means), as well...to its account management and its...advertise what the brand...

               There               are               several               tools               that               assist               in               everyday               situations               and               planning               procedures               such               as               daily               production,               cost               control,               quality               control,               inventory               control,               maintenance,               and               staffing               schedules.

Some               of               the               tools               used               in               these               functions               are               "reports,               spreadsheets,               charts,               and               graphs,"               (Legenza               Live               Chat               8,               2011).

These               tools               provide               historical               data               and               can               assist               in               making               current               and               future               decisions               based               on               that               data.

For               example,               a               manager               could               use               past               data               regarding               labor               usage               to               more               accurately               predict               future               labor               needs.
               Analytical               tools               can               also               be               utilized               to               improve               production.

For               example,               if               reports               indicate               a               deficiency               in               certain               areas               of               production,               a               manager               would               be               better               able               to               pinpoint               these               areas               and               make               the               necessary               changes.

This               would               also               be               useful               in               most               other               areas               of               operations               management               such               as               staffing,               maintenance,               etc.

Certain               reports               are               especially               useful               in               maintaining               and               improving               inventory               levels.

This               could               have               a               huge               impact               on               inventory               costs               and               the               cost               of               materials.
               I               believe               that               analytical               reports               are               an               important               factor               and               a               useful               tool               for               every               division               of               an               organization.

Of               course               some               departments               depend               on               them               more               so               than               others.

The               accounting               and               finance               departments               depend               almost               complete               on               these               types               of               tools.

The               majority               of               their               work               revolves               around               facts,               figures,               and               numbers.

Operations               managers               can               also               use               these               tools               to               improve               the               overall               function               of               their               department,               but               there               is               also               a               "hands               on"               element               in               their               work               that               most               other               departments               do               not               have.
               When               using               analytical               tools               such               as               graphs,               charts,               and               spreadsheets               there               is               always               the               possibility               that               some               of               the               data               was               entered               incorrectly.

Even               though               a               computer               and               software               created               the               analysis               a               human               had               to               put               the               numbers               into               the               system.

These               mistakes               can               cost               an               organization               thousands               if               not               millions               of               dollars               and               unnecessary               waste               in               human               resources               and               materials.

Most               departments               have               a               system               of               checks               and               balances               in               place               to               try               to               catch               these               mistakes               before               they               are               actually               used               to               make               any               final               decisions,               but               there               is               still               always               the               possibility               of               errors.

This               isn't               always               the               case               due               to               the               fact               that               there               are               machines               and               equipment               that               are               directly               linked               to               computers               and               send               various               types               of               data               automatically,               but               generally               most               information               is               input               by               people.
               Although               analytical               tools               and               various               types               of               software               are               extremely               useful               to               an               organization,               it               cannot               replace               the               knowledge,               leadership               and               decision               making               abilities               that               come               with               experience.

A               spreadsheet               or               graph               can               tell               a               manager               how               many               people               he/she               should               schedule               for               a               particular               shift               based               on               historical               data,               but               it               cannot               lead               or               motivate               the               employees.

There               is               no               substitute               for               human               intuition.

Each               person               in               an               organization               has               a               different               personality               and               needs               to               be               treated               according               to               their               personality               type.

Various               types               of               computer               software               can               make               suggestions               as               how               to               handle               certain               situations,               but               it               takes               the               experience               of               a               manager               to               know               how               to               handle               the               different               aspects               and               unique               characteristics               of               each               problem               that               may               arise.

I               have               worked               in               a               few               different               types               of               industries               and               experienced               many               types               of               situation               or               problems,               but               I               have               never               been               motivated,               inspired,               or               encouraged               by               a               computer.
               Technology               has               advanced               over               time               and               has               been               able               to               create               computer               systems               that               can               actually               "learn"               or               think               to               a               certain               extent.

"According               to               an               article               in               The               New               York               Times               entitled,               "Computers               Learn               to               Listen               and               Some               Talk               Back",               scientists               at               Microsoft               have               created               a               computer               that               has               the               ability               to               understand               speech,               recognize               pediatric               conditions               and               reason               according               to               simple               rules               and               to               make               an               initial               diagnosis               of               a               childhood               ailment               and               its               seriousness.

It               is               a               very               plain               looking               avatar               and               has               somewhat               jerky               motions               and               speech               patterns,               but               otherwise               has               the               mannerisms               of               a               human               being.

This               computer               is               used               as               a               receptionist               in               a               pediatric               physician's               office.

Its               creator,               Eric               Horvitz,               intended               to               show               how               people               and               computers               may               communicate               in               the               near               future,"               (Lohr               &               Markoff,               2010).
               According               to               another               article               in               The               New               York               Times               entitled               "Aiming               to               Learn               as               We               Do,               a               Machine               Teaches               Itself",               technology               is               expanding               and               growing               at               a               very               rapid               pace.

Scientists               are               actually               building               computers               that               can               think               and               emulate               human               understanding.

"The               Never-Ending               Language               Learning               System,               or               NELL,               has               made               an               dramatic               showing               so               far.

NELL               scans               hundreds               of               millions               of               Web               pages               for               text               patterns               that               it               uses               to               learn               facts,               390,000               to               date,               with               an               estimated               efficiency               rate               of               87               percent.

In               addition,               NELL               learns               facts               that               show               relationships               between               components               of               two               categories.

For               example,               Peyton               Manning               is               a               football               player               (category).

The               Indianapolis               Colts               is               a               football               team               (category).

By               scanning               text               patterns,               NELL               can               deduce               with               a               high               probability               that               Peyton               Manning               plays               for               the               Indianapolis               Colts               even               if               it               has               never               read               that               Peyton               Manning               plays               for               the               Colts.

"Plays               for"               is               a               relation,               and               there               are               280               types               of               relations.
               The               number               of               categories               and               relations               has               more               than               doubled               since               earlier               this               year,               and               will               steadily               increase.

NELL               is               only               one               project               in               a               growing               field               of               research               and               investment               aimed               at               enabling               computers               to               better               understand               the               meaning               of               language.

Many               of               these               efforts               tap               the               Web               as               a               rich               trove               of               text               to               assemble               structured               ontologies,               formal               descriptions               of               concepts               and               relationships,               to               help               computers               mimic               human               understanding,"               (Lohr,               2010).

As               for               the               question,               "Do               computers               think               or               learn               from               their               mistakes?"               I               guess               in               a               very               basic               sense               the               answer               is               yes,               to               an               extent.

Can               they               manipulate               or               change               their               environment?

That's               kind               of               a               scary               subject               that               I               hate               to               even               think               about.

I               guess               in               a               very               basic               sense,               they               can               change               their               environment.

Certain               computers               can               control               the               temperature,               lighting               and               level               of               sound               in               their               environment,               but               other               than               something               as               simple               as               that,               I               wouldn't               think               so.

But               then               again,               I'm               majoring               in               business               management,               what               do               I               know?

It               seems               to               me               that               mankind               is               trying               very               hard               to               make               itself               obsolete.
               Lohr,               S.

(2010,               October               4).

Aiming               to               Learn               as               We               Do,               a               Machine               Teaches               Itself.

The               New               York               Times.

               Lohr,               S.

&               Markoff,               J.,               (2010,               June               24).

Computer               Learn               to               Listen,               and               Some               Talk               Back.

TheNew               York               Times.

Retrieved               from               http://www.nytimes.com/2010/06/25/science/25voice.html

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what is the meaning of management accounting

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what is the meaning of management accounting

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what is the meaning of management accounting

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