2013년 12월 1일 일요일

About 'management accounting principles'|What is the role of management accounting information in influencing pricing decisions

About 'management accounting principles'|What is the role of management accounting information in influencing pricing decisions

               Traditional               management               accounting               involves               methods               of               spending               tracking               that               have               been               used               for               decades               to               help               with               business               decision-making.

Despite               today's               computers,               traditional               management               accounting               principles               are               still               widely               used               and               provide               the               basis               of               computer               accounting               software.

Understanding               how               these               methods               work               helps               understand               why               modern               accounting               methods               may               be               better               or               worse,               even               if               automated               on               a               computer.
               Early               Cost               Accounting
               Cost               accounting               attempts               to               attribute               every               cost               incurred               to               a               product               or               service               sold.

This               includes               both               direct               and               indirect               expenses.

The               labor               and               materials               used               to               make               a               product               are               direct               costs.

The               electricity               to               power               the               factor               is               not               unit-specific               and               has               to               be               spread               out.

Cost               accounting               takes               such               costs               and               attributes               them               on               all               on               products               or               services               sold.

This               is               called               overhead.

Businesses               have               used               this               method               since               the               early               1900s               to               recapture               their               expenses               through               items               sold               (see               Reference               3).

The               earliest               methods               broke               such               costs               down               to               an               hourly               value               and               attributed               them               to               the               production               expense               per               each               unit               made.
               Budgeting               accounting               involves               setting               an               allowed               expense               amount               for               an               activity               over               a               period               of               time.

The               activity               or               production               process               has               to               stay               within               budget               during               that               time               window.

This               method               of               traditional               accounting               was               used               as               early               as               250               years               ago               in               England               to               place               a               cap               on               expenses               for               a               business               (see               Reference               3).

If               expenses               stayed               within               budget,               then               the               operation               ran               well.

If               it               exceeded               the               allowed               budget,               then               the               operation               had               a               problem               due               to               management's               failure.
               Cash               Monitoring
               This               management               tool               focuses               on               the               cash               flows               within               a               business:               inflow               and               outflow.

By               focusing               on               revenue               and               expenses               in               terms               of               cash               in               the               bank               account,               the               management               accounting               manager               is               putting               attention               on               short-term               changes               to               stay               above               $0.

From               this               perspective,               the               business               needs               to               stay               solvent.

Going               deficit               means               the               business               has               to               temporarily               stop               until               it               has               cash               flow               again.

A               cash               approach,               as               a               result,               does               not               allow               for               business               decisions               based               on               accruals               or               credit.
               Incremental               Change               Analysis
               For               accounts               receivables               incremental               analysis               helps               decision-making               using               accounting               data               that               tracks               changes               in               money               owed               to               a               business.

By               keeping               accounts               receivable               low               with               prompt               and               aggressive               attention               and               follow-up,               a               business               can               make               sure               revenue               continues               timely               and               credit               extensions               to               customers               are               kept               to               a               minimum.

Every               company               for               centuries               has               understood               that               eventually               customers               who               don't               pay               up               are               bad               for               business.
               Return               on               Investment
               The               primary               focus               of               a               business               is               to               make               profit.

So,               from               an               account               perspective,               business               in               the               early               1900s               began               to               seek               some               sort               of               method               to               show               this               profit               actually               occurring               (see               Reference               3).

The               return               on               investment               method               allowed               business               to               use               different               approach               per               function,               but               at               the               end               the               unit               or               section               was               measured               on               how               much               profit               over               cost               was               produced.

This               margin               became               the               return               on               investment               of               the               money               originally               expended               as               a               business.
               Dennis               Caplan:               Management               Accounting               -               Concepts               and               Techniques               
               Micro               Business               Publications:               Chapter               2               -               Management               Accounting               and               Decision-Making               
               Managerial               Accounting:               Traditional               Managerial               Accounting               

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management accounting principles

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    About 'financial management service'|Important Concepts in Financial Management

    About 'financial management service'|Important Concepts in Financial Management

    Small               Business               and               Self-Employment               Service,               also               referred               to               as               SBSES,               is               one               service               offered               by               the               Office               of               Disability               Employment               Policy,               which               is               a               sub-cabinet               of               the               U.S.

    Department               of               Labor.

    Founded               in               1983,               this               service               has               been               providing               information,               counseling               and               access               to               resources               to               people               with               disabilities               for               over               twenty               years.

    This               service               is               free               of               charge               and               all               communications               are               kept               100               percent               confidential.

    People               Who               Can               Use               SBSES
                   Small               Business               and               Self-Employment               Service               has               an               open               door               policy.

    Their               programs               are               offered               to               just               about               anyone               who               needs               or               provides               small               business               resources               designed               for               people               with               disabilities.

    Their               target               audiences               are:               people               with               disabilities,               service               providers,               friends               of               people               with               disabilities,               family               members               of               people               with               disabilities               and               people               interested               in               promoting               small               businesses               and               work               at               home               careers               for               people               with               disabilities.
                   SBSES               Information               and               Service
                   Small               Business               and               Self-Employment               Service               offers               several               different               types               of               services.

    First               of               all               they               offer               resources               and               information               on               starting               a               business.

    Information               and               resources               covered               under               this               category               include:               obtaining               capital,               marketing               research,               developing               business               concepts,               loan               guarantees               and               instructions               on               writing               a               business               plan.
                   The               second               category               of               information               and               resources               provided               by               the               SBSES               focuses               on               how               to               manage               a               business.

    Under               this               category               of               services               you               will               find               technical               assistance               resources,               information               on               personnel               management,               help               for               developing               marketing               plans,               information               on               how               to               grow               your               business               and               help               with               the               financial               management               of               your               small               business.
                   The               final               category               of               information,               resources               and               services               offered               by               the               SBSES               is               disability               issues.

    Under               this               category               you               will               find               information               about               government               assistance               programs               like               Social               Security               and               the               PASS               plan,               as               well               as               information               on               other               important               issues               like               securing               affordable               health               care               and               tips               for               working               from               your               home.

    These               pieces               of               information               are               very               important               for               entrepreneurs               with               disabilities.
                   Contacting               the               Small               Business               and               Self-Employment               Service
                   The               best               way               to               access               the               resources               offered               by               Small               Business               and               Self-Employment               Service               is               to               go               to               their               web               site.

    Here               you               will               also               be               able               to               find               their               toll               free               voice               phone               number               and               toll               free               TTY               number.

    Operators               are               available               to               answer               your               questions               and               help               you               sign               up               for               services               Monday               through               Friday               from               9:00               a.m.

    until               6:00               p.m.


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    About 'certified management accountant course'|Career as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

    About 'certified management accountant course'|Career as a Certified Public Accountant (CPA)

    After               years               of               undergraduate               and               postgraduate               study               you               are               now               ready               to               begin               your               career               as               a               California               Certified               Public               Accountant.

    However,               before               you               can               practice               as               a               CPA               you               will               need               to               qualify               for,               sit               for,               and               pass               the               California               CPA               Exam.

    To               do               this               you               will               need               to               arm               yourself               with               some               basic               information               about               where               and               how               to               apply,               what               to               study,               and               what               to               expect               on               the               test               day.

    Luckily               this               article               contains               everything               you               need               to               know               about               taking               the               California               CPA               Exam.

    California               Board               of               Accountancy               
                   Exam               Unit               
                   2000               Evergreen               Street,               Suite               250               
                   Sacramento,               California               95815-3832               
                   (916)               263-3680               phone               number               
                   (916)               263-3675               fax               number               
                   Requirements               to               Sit               for               the               California               CPA               Exam
                   There               are               few               basic               requirements               that               you               must               meet               in               order               to               qualify               to               sit               for               the               California               CPA               Exam.

    Besides               being               18               years               of               age               and               of               good               moral               character,               California               also               has               very               specific               educational               requirements               that               you               must               meet               in               order               to               sit               for               the               California               CPA               Exam.
                   First               you               must               have               a               baccalaureate               degree               with               24               semester               hours               of               accounting               courses,               and               24               semester               hours               of               business-related               courses.

    Below               are               two               lists               containing               possible               accounting               courses               and               possible               business-related               courses               to               help               give               you               an               idea               of               what               course               qualify.
                   Accounting               Subjects



    External               or               Internal               Reporting               





    Financial               Reporting               

    Financial               Statement               Analysis               



    Cost               Analysis               


    CPA               Review               Course               taken               at               an               accredited               college               or               university
                   Business               Related               Subjects

    Business               Administration               

    Business               Law               

    Business               Related               Law               Course               

    Information               Systems               


    Business               Communication               

    Business               Management               

    Computer               Science               



                   Application               Process
                   The               first               step               in               the               application               process               to               sit               for               the               California               CPA               Exam               is               to               create               a               client               account               on               the               California               Board               of               Accountancy's               website:               http://www.dca.ca.gov/cba.

    After               you               create               an               account               you               will               be               sent               a               confirmation               email               that               will               provide               you               with               a               password               that               will               allow               you               to               complete               your               application               process               online.

    You               will               then               need               to               print,               sign,               and               mail               in               your               application               along               with               your               application               fee               to               the               Board.
                   If               you               will               need               testing               accommodations               because               of               a               disability               you               will               need               to               request               accommodations               at               the               time               you               submit               your               application.

    You               will               need               to               fill               out               an               accommodation               form,               which               will               be               in               your               application               packet.

    You               will               also               need               to               submit               an               application               fee               along               with               your               completed               application               and               supplemental               forms.

    To               see               what               the               most               current               application               fees               are               you               will               need               to               visit               the               California               Board               of               Accountancy's               website,               however               to               give               you               an               idea               of               what               to               expect,               the               2006               application               fee               was               $100.

    The               California               Board               of               Accountancy               only               accepts               checks               or               money               orders               at               this               time,               and               you               will               need               to               write               your               Unique               Identification               Number               or               Application               Remittance               Form               Number               on               your               form               of               payment               for               proper               processing.
                   Keep               in               mind               that               this               packet               will               take               about               30               days               to               evaluate               and               process               before               you               can               go               on               to               the               next               steps.

    Deadlines               for               submitting               applications               have               been               eliminated               because               now               testing               is               done               two               months               out               of               every               three               months.

    The               only               time               limitation               is               that               you               will               have               only               six               months               to               take               your               exams               after               you               submit               your               application,               so               don't               apply               for               more               tests               than               you               will               be               able               to               successfully               complete               in               a               six               month               period.
                   After               the               Board               receives               your               application,               processes               it,               and               approves               you               to               sit               for               the               California               CPA               Exam,               they               will               submit               an               Authorization               to               Test               to               the               NASBA.

    NASBA               will               then               invoice               you               for               the               exams               that               you               have               applied               for.

    You               will               have               90               days               to               pay               this               invoice               before               your               application               expires               and               you               will               have               to               apply               again.

    The               price               for               each               section               of               the               Uniform               CPA               Exam               will               be               vary               year               by               year               so               you               will               need               to               visit               www.nasba.org               to               check               on               the               most               current               rates,               however,               to               give               you               an               idea               of               what               to               expect,               the               2006               NASBA               fees               for               the               Uniform               CPA               Exam               were               as               follows:
                   AUDIT               (Auditing               and               Attestation)               $159.25               
                   FARE               (Financial               Accounting               and               Reporting)               $148.00               
                   ARE               (Regulations)               $125.50               
                   LPR               (Business               Environment               and               Concepts)               $114.25
                   After               your               payment               is               received               in               full               for               your               exams               you               will               be               sent               a               Notice               to               Schedule.

    This               notice               will               contain               scheduling               and               testing               information,               and               it               will               tell               you               what               your               identification               number               is,               and               when               your               scheduling               window               expires.

    You               will               have               about               6               months               to               schedule               and               take               all               of               the               exams               that               you               applied               for.
                   You               can               schedule               your               exam               anytime               during               the               six               months               that               are               convenient               to               you               as               long               as               the               testing               center               is               open               and               has               space               to               fit               you               in.

    It               is               recommended               that               you               register               early               to               ensure               that               you               get               a               testing               space               on               the               days               that               you               want.

    Most               testing               centers               are               open               Monday               through               Saturday               during               the               following               windows               of               time:
                   January               2               -               February               28               (29)               
                   April               1               -               May               30               
                   July               1               -               August               31               
                   October               1               -               November               20
                   There               are               several               ways               in               which               you               can               schedule               your               exam.

    First               you               can               call               the               Prometric               Student               Testing               Service               Call               Center               at               1-800-580-9648,               or               you               can               go               to               their               website               at               http://www.prmoetric.com/cpa,               or               you               can               contact               your               local               testing               center.
                   Prometric               Testing               Center               
                   2412               Central               Avenue               
                   Alameda,               CA               94501               
                   (510)               521-2843               
                   Site               Code:               0067
                   1290               Hancock               Street,               Suite               250               
                   Anaheim,               CA               92807               
                   (714)               695-18001               
                   Site               Code:               0081               and               0529
                   501               Mobil               Ave,               Suite               D               
                   Camarillo,               CA               93010               
                   (805)               389-6595               
                   Site               Code:               0502
                   5601               West               Slauson               Ave,               Suite               110               
                   Culver               City,               CA               90230               
                   (310)               337-6696               
                   Site               Code:               0001,               0591,               and               0002
                   Sunset               Village               Shop               Center               
                   1241               South               Grand               Avenue,               Suite               F               
                   Diamond               Bar,               CA               91765               
                   (909)               861-1146               
                   Site               Code:               0533
                   1045               Redondo               Beach               Blvd               
                   Gardena,               CA               90247               
                   (310)               329-1844               
                   Site               Code:               0596
                   701               N.

    Brand               Blvd,               Suite               210               
                   Glendale,               CA               91203               
                   (818)               246-8023               
                   Site               Code:               5815               and               5863
                   Stone               Creek               Plaza               
                   4330               Barranca               Pkwy.

    Suite               208               
                   Irvine,               CA               92614               
                   (949)               552-0563               
                   Site               Code:               9035
                   7365               Carnelian               Street,               Suite               107               
                   Rancho               Cucamonga,               CA               91730               
                   (909)               466-5136               
                   Site               Code:               0531
                   413               East               Palm               Ave               
                   Redlands,               CA               92373               
                   (909)               792-2145               
                   Site               Code:               0556
                   Almond               Orchid               
                   11733               Fair               Oaks               Blvd               
                   Sacramento/Fair               Oaks,               CA               95628               
                   (916)               961-7323               
                   Site               Code:               0508               and               0053
                   8380               Center               Drive,               Suite               A               
                   San               Diego,               CA               91942               
                   (619)               668-2121               
                   Site               Code:               0510
                   Sorrento               Plaza               
                   6755               Mira               Mesa               Blvd.

                   San               Diego,               CA               92121-4311               
                   (858)               526-0858               
                   Site               Code:               0550               and               0440
                   100               California               Street,               Suite               104               
                   San               Francisco,               CA               94111               
                   (415)               362-1311               
                   Site               Code:               5869               and               5849
                   4030               Moorpark               Ave,               Suite               280               
                   San               Jose,               CA               95117-4103               
                   (408)               246-0072               
                   Site               Code:               0047,               0014,               and               0008
                   1360               North               Dutton               Street,               Suite               100               
                   Santa               Rosa,               CA               95401               
                   (707)               579-5163               
                   Site               Code:               0515
                   400               Oyster               Point               Blvd,               Suite               101               
                   South               San               Francisco,               CA               94080               
                   (650)               244-9558               
                   Site               Code:               5481               and               0066
                   Once               you               have               your               tests               scheduled               you               will               be               ready               to               study               for               the               computerized               Uniform               CPA               Exam.
                   What               You               Need               to               Know               About               the               Computerized               Uniform               CPA               Exam
                   AUD               will               last               4.5               hours               
                   FARE               will               last               4.0               hours               
                   ARE               will               last               3.0               hours               
                   LPR               will               last               2.5               hours
                   If               you               plan               on               taking               the               Auditing               and               Attestation               (AUD)               section               of               the               Uniform               CPA               Exam               then               you               will               want               to               study               the               following               information:

    Auditing               Procedures               

    Generally               Accepted               Auditing               Standards               

    Other               Standards               That               Are               Applicable               to               Attest               Engagements               

    Planning               the               Engagement               

    Internal               Controls               

    How               to               Obtain               and               Document               Information               

    How               to               Review               Engagements               and               Evaluate               Information               

    How               to               Prepare               Communications
                   If               you               plan               on               taking               the               Financial               Accounting               and               Reporting               Section               (FARE)               of               the               Uniform               CPA               Exam               then               you               will               want               to               study               the               following               information:

    Generally               Accepted               Accounting               Principles               for               Business               Enterprises               

    Generally               Accepted               Accounting               Principles               for               Not-For-Profit               Enterprises               

    Generally               Accepted               Accounting               Principles               for               Government               Entities               

    Concepts               and               Standards               for               Financial               Statements               

    Know               What               Items               Are               Commonly               Found               on               Financial               Statements               

    Know               How               to               Account               For               and               Report               Various               Transactions
                   If               you               plan               on               taking               the               Regulation               Section               (ARE)               of               the               Uniform               CPA               Exam               then               you               will               want               to               study               the               following               information:

    Federal               Taxation               Procedures               and               Regulations               For               Individuals               

    Professional               Ethics               

    Professional               Legal               Responsibilities               

    Applicable               Business               Laws               

    Federal               Taxation               Procedures               and               Regulations               For               Entities               (Both               For-Profit               and               Not-For-Profit)
                   If               you               plan               on               taking               the               Business               Environment               and               Concepts               Section               (BEC)               of               the               Uniform               CPA               Exam               then               you               will               want               to               study               the               following               information:

    Business               Structures               

    Economic               Concepts               

    Financial               Management               Issues               

    Information               Technology               

    Planning               and               Measuring               

    Reasoning               Used               as               a               CPA
                   Format               of               the               Uniform               CPA               Exam
                   The               Uniform               CPA               Exam               has               recently               been               transitioned               from               a               paper               and               pencil               exam               to               a               computerized               exam.

    Because               of               this               transition,               the               format               of               the               exam               has               also               evolved.

    Each               section               will               consist               of               multiple               choice               testlets               comprised               of               24               to               30               questions.

    Each               testlet               will               then               be               supplemented               with               a               case               study               called               a               simulation.

    You               will               be               given               30               to               50               minutes               to               complete               each               simulation.

    The               simulations               will               test               your               ability               to               perform               entry               level               CPA               tasks.
                   Study               Tips
                   Studying               for               the               Uniform               CPA               Exam               will               be               quite               an               undertaking,               as               you               will               be               tested               on               six               years               of               college               level               education.

    To               help               you               with               this               process               it               is               highly               recommended               that               you               enroll               in               some               type               of               CPA               Exam               Preparation               Course               offered               by               a               college               or               university.

    However,               this               is               not               mandatory,               and               there               are               many               high               quality               self-study               CPA               Exam               Review               Courses               available               to               you.
                   You               can               also               utilize               the               study               materials               provided               by               the               testing               board,               including               an               exam               tutorial               that               is               offered               on               the               following               website:               http://www.cpa-exam.org/lcr/exam_tutorial.html.

    This               tutorial               will               offer               you               many               great               tools               for               passing               the               Computerized               Uniform               CPA               Exam.

    First               this               website               will               offer               you               an               explanation               on               how               the               test               is               designed               and               what               subjects               it               will               cover.

    It               will               also               review               what               types               of               questions               you               will               be               asked               to               answer,               and               what               types               of               responses               they               are               looking               for.

    Finally,               you               will               be               able               to               run               through               a               few               sample               questions               and               one               case               study,               so               you               can               practice               taking               a               computerized               exam.
                   In               addition               to               taking               a               CPA               Exam               Review               Course,               and               using               the               exam               tutorial,               it               is               also               highly               recommended               that               you               know               the               following               information               before               you               sit               for               the               CPA               Exam:

    Be               familiar               with               spreadsheets,               and               be               able               to               use               them.

    You               will               also               need               to               know               how               to               write               spreadsheet               formulas               that               will               calculate               columns               and               rows,               as               well               as               calculate               other               financial               computations.

    You               will               also               be               expected               to               know               how               to               use               a               four-function               calculator               to               derive               standard               financial               calculations.

    You               will               need               to               be               familiar               with,               and               be               able               to               utilize               information               contained               in               online               authoritative               literature.

    You               may               want               to               practice               this               skill               at               home,               by               accessing               these               authorities               and               looking               for               specific               rules,               regulations,               and               standards               that               apply               to               test               review               questions.

    Study               the               Internal               Revenue               Code               and               Federal               Tax               Regulations               that               were               in               effect               6               months               prior               to               your               exam.

    You               can               find               this               information               at               the               IRS's               website:               http://www.irs.gov.

    Know               the               Sarbanes-Oxley               Act               of               2002               as               it               will               be               used               throughout               the               exam.

    AICPA               Standards               will               also               be               used,               so               know               them               and               how               they               are               applied               to               different               situations.

    Learn               and               memorize               federal               laws               that               relate               to               accounting               and               reporting
                   What               to               Expect               on               the               Test               Day
                   On               the               day               of               your               exam(s)               you               will               want               to               arrive               early,               at               last               30               minutes               earlier,               so               you               can               check               in               and               get               situated               before               you               begin               testing.

    You               will               need               to               provide               two               forms               of               personal               identification               that               has               both               your               signature               and               your               photograph               on               it.

    For               example               a               valid               drivers               license               and               a               valid               passport               are               both               accepted               forms               of               id.
                   After               you               have               been               checked               in               you               will               be               assigned               a               computer               and               given               instructions.

    Begin               to               test               only               after               you               have               been               given               permission               to               do               so.

    Do               not               cheat,               or               act               disruptive,               as               these               actions               can               get               you               expelled               from               the               testing               center,               and               perhaps               even               prohibited               from               taking               the               CPA               Exam               again.
                   Your               scores               will               be               made               available               to               you               as               soon               as               they               are               ready,               but               expect               4               to               6               weeks               to               pass               before               hearing               anything.

    If               you               have               any               questions               about               when               and               where               your               scores               will               be               made               available,               contact               nasba.org.

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