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About 'key account management pdf'|Listing of All SAP .pdf Files Relating to R/3 System Config

Ad               Operations               is               the               most               widely               used               name               for               the               department               in               a               company               that               manages               the               advertising               closed               by               account               managers               or               sales               reps.

Fundamentally,               Ad               Operations               is               a               team               of               ad               traffic               managers,               although               the               overall               team               description               is               (or               should               be)               more               than               just               managing               ads.

These               are               titles               that               migrated               into               the               internet               business               from               other               advertising               media               such               as               print               (especially               periodicals),               radio,               and               television.

However,               except               for               the               general               description,               these               variant               forms               of               traffic               management               are               nothing               alike,               and               they               should               not               be               treated               the               same               way.

Online               Ad               Operations               is               arguably               the               most               intense,               technical,               and               difficult               form               of               ad               trafficking,               and               it               would               behoove               any               company               with               an               internet               venture               to               develop               and               manage               its               Ad               Operations               team               as               seriously               as               their               IT,               web               production,               editorial,               sales,               marketing,               and               other               staffs.
               Many               ventures               have               no               formal               Ad               Operations               department,               rather               they               have               one               or               two               ad               traffic               managers.

While               their               sales               force               grows,               as               well               as               reliance               on               internet               revenues               (which               can               be               significant               if               it               is               treated               as               a               business               and               not               given               away               as               a               bonus               to               print               or               other               advertising),               a               formal               Ad               Operations               department               must               be               formed               and               managed               by               an               experienced               professional.
               Commonly               they               have               web               producers               or               other               technical               or               administrative               employees               manage               online               advertising               for               sales               reps.

While               this               might               work               temporarily,               when               a               sales               staff               is               a               single               person               with               less               than               a               handful               of               campaigns,               this               is               a               structure               that               cannot               hold               up               to               scaling,               quality               assurance,               yield               visibility,               stress               management,               and               optimal               workflow               strategies.

Employees               who               volunteer               to               wear               the               hat               of               "traffic               manager"               in               addition               to               their               normal               workload               often               find               themselves               stuck               with               it               forever,               pressured               to               manage               immediate               tasks               for               sales               reps,               which               may               not               even               be               related               specifically               to               traffic               management.

Such               employees               burn               out               quickly,               struggling               with               irreconcilable               priorities               and               unable               to               meet               quality               expectations               from               internal               and               external               customers               and               managers.
               As               succinctly               stated               by               Doug               Wintz,               founder               of               DMW               MediaWorks,               "By               far,               the               most               over               worked,               under-appreciated,               misunderstood               resource               in               any               online               company               is               the               ad               trafficker.

This               is               a               job               that               can               transform               the               most               intelligent,               rational,               motivated               and               conscientious               individual               into               a               high-strung,               irritable,               error-prone               employee.

And               THIS               is               the               individual               who               is               responsible               for               taking               every               bit               of               revenue               your               sales               group               generates               and               making               sure               it               delivers               as               promised,               on               time,               with               accurate               reporting."               1
               Concentrating               on               staff               size,               staff               structure,               professional               leadership,               job               description               focus,               and               clearly               communicated               staff               services,               will               translate               to               stronger               online               revenues.
               Staff               Size
               The               size               of               an               Ad               Operations               staff               depends               on               a               number               of               factors,               including               how               many               simultaneous               ad               campaigns               need               to               be               managed               per               month,               whether               campaigns               start               and               stop               mid-month               and               how               long               they               run,               what               buy               type               is               used               and               how               inventory               is               forecasted               vs               how               much               is               sold               (for               many               CPM               and               SOV               revenue               models),               the               quality               of               the               ad               server               (especially               with               regard               to               rotation               behavior               and               reporting               intelligence),               how               many               ads               are               rich               media,               interstitials,               prestitials,               or               text               ads               vs               who               implements               any               non               ad-server               components               of               the               ad               (such               as               a               web               producer               or               e-newsletter               producer),               the               quality               of               the               ad               agencies               and               other               media               buyers               (e.g.

do               they               have               a               habit               of               incorrectly               implementing               clickTAG               code               in               Flash               ActionScript,               or               sending               materials               late?),               how               much               of               the               advertising               are               third               party               delivered               (particularly               CPM               third               party               ads               with               vertical               or               demographic               targeting               criteria),               how               many               sales               reps               are               selling               online               ad               campaigns,               and               how               much               of               the               above               is               expected               to               increase               each               month?
               Here               are               some               analogies               to               remember:
               *               One               sales               rep               with               ten               campaigns               is               easier               for               one               trafficker               to               manage               than               two               sales               reps               with               five               campaigns               each.

The               reason               is               because               sales               reps               can               themselves               contribute               to               workload               above               and               beyond               the               technical               aspects               of               setting               up               an               ad               flight               in               an               ad               server.

Some               reps               may               feel               the               need               to               micro-manage               their               campaigns,               some               may               sell               more               difficult               buy               types               than               others               or               oversell               their               inventory               which               puts               stress               on               forecasting               accuracies               (especially               in               an               environment               with               impression               spikes               caused               by               marketing               efforts).

One               personality               may               feel               comfortable               emailing               a               trafficker               when               they               need               to,               another               may               feel               they               need               to               call               almost               daily,               sometimes               even               for               information               or               an               assignment               that               isn't               in               the               traffic               manager's               purview.
               *               Twenty               ads               without               impression               guarantees               are               easier               for               one               trafficker               than               five               campaigns               with               impression               guarantees,               especially               in               a               shallow               inventory               pool.

Clearly               selling               on               a               CPM               buy               type,               which               usually               has               an               impression               goal,               requires               some               forecast               of               available               inventory               so               that               this               goal               can               be               delivered               by               the               campaign's               end               date.

This               can               be               extremely               difficult               when               multiple               CPM               ads               are               sharing               a               slice               of               inventory               that               has               very               little               availability,               and               additionally               when               CPM               deals               overlap               multiple               demographic               criteria               or               vertical               targets.
               *               Twenty               ROS               (run-of-site)               ads               are               easier               for               one               trafficker               than               10               overlapping               targeted               ads.

For               example,               if               two               ads               are               targeting               Vertical               1               and               Vertical               2,               two               ads               are               targeting               Vertical               2               and               Vertical               3               on               a               specific               industry               target,               two               ads               are               targeting               Vertical               1               and               Vertical               3               on               a               gender               demographic,               and               four               ads               are               ROS               with               the               same               gender               demographic.

In               such               an               environment,               demanding               that               an               inexperienced               (or               even               a               seasoned)               traffic               manager               figure               out               why               one               ad               is               on               schedule               while               another               is               failing               to               meet               its               goals,               or               why               one               ad               has               twice               the               click-thru               rate               as               another,               might               twist               their               brain               into               a               pretzel.
               *               Twenty               GIF               or               JPG               ads               are               easier               for               one               trafficker               than               10               third               party               delivered               ads.

Most               ad               agencies               prefer               to               upload               ads               into               their               own               ad               server               and               hand               a               publisher               an               ad               tag               that               calls               the               GIF               or               JPG,               rather               than               pass               along               the               raw               materials.

This               way               they               can               track               their               impressions               and               clicks               in               a               single               report               for               their               client               rather               than               collecting               multiple,               variant               reports               from               all               the               publishers               who               are               delivering               the               ad.

Unfortunately               third               party               ads               are               subject               to               discrepancies               between               the               ad               agency's               ad               server               and               the               publisher's               ad               server,               such               that               the               publisher               usually               has               to               over-deliver               the               ad               in               order               to               meet               the               contracted               goal.

And               there               is               no               way               of               knowing               for               sure               how               far               to               over-deliver               before               the               campaign               starts,               because               the               discrepancy               can               swing               between               5%               and               20%               for               unknown               reasons.

(It               should               normally               stay               below               8%,               but               if               wishes               were               pennies...)
               If               a               company               needs               to               know               what               the               true               staffing               requirements               are               for               an               Ad               Operations               department,               especially               a               startup               or               a               re-org,               it               is               therefore               advisable               to               hire               an               experienced               Ad               Operations               manager               or               consultant               to               evaluate               the               environment               and               make               staffing               and/or               outsourced               recommendations.
               As               a               rule               of               thumb,               if               there               is               more               than               one               sales               rep,               there               should               be               more               than               one               traffic               manager.

Each               time               a               new               sales               rep               is               added               to               the               sales               team,               the               potential               workload               for               Ad               Operations               increases               vastly.

Clearly               it               is               not               wise               to               just               "throw               bodies"               into               Ad               Operations               to               manage               the               workload.

I               have               managed               Ad               Operations               for               over               20               sales               reps               with               over               2000               concurrent               active               ad               flights               (many               of               them               hugely               targeted               third-party               CPM               campaigns)               using               just               two               staff               people,               which               would               not               have               been               possible               without               the               automation,               process               enforcement               and               naming               conventions               that               I               established               to               facilitate               the               reporting               process.

Because               we               were               scaling               up,               I               had               hire               an               outsourced               trafficking               service               to               supplement               our               workload               and               later               begin               hiring               two               more               employees.
               Recognizing               the               demands               on               ad               trafficking               and               being               able               to               clearly               report               that               workload               to               executive               officers               so               that               they               can               make               informed               decisions               is               one               of               the               challenges               for               the               head               of               Ad               Operations.
               Strong               Leadership
               When               I               was               first               hired               to               be               a               traffic               manager               in               1998,               founding               the               ad               ops               department               for               Mail.com,               in               the               interview               my               hiring               manager               said,               "We               don't               want               a               'yes'               man."               What               did               she               mean               by               that?
               Ad               Operations               workers               are               generally               analytical               and               technical               people,               and               most               of               their               internal               customers               are               sales               reps               who               are               generally               expressive               and               forceful.

Each               personality               type               is               what               it               has               to               be.

Sales               people               have               to               drive               past               the               'no'               they               get               from               prospective               clientele               in               creative               and               sometimes               aggressive               ways.

That               trait               makes               them               skilled               at               selling.

Ad               ops               people,               on               the               other               hand,               have               to               methodically               attend               to               the               technical               aspects               of               ad               serving               while               keeping               a               good               attitude,               and               take               great               care               to               document               their               assignments               because               they               will               otherwise               find               themselves               the               target               for               blame               when               anything               goes               wrong.
               If               a               traffic               manager               simply               did               what               ever               any               sales               rep               asked               them               to               do,               the               Ad               Operations               department               and               the               whole               sales               initiative               would               become               unraveled.

One               sales               rep               may               call               a               traffic               manager               on               the               phone               and               say,               "I               keep               refreshing               my               web               browser               and               I               don't               see               my               ad               in               rotation.

Make               my               campaign               run               faster."               A               'yes'               man               might               then               make               it               happen               at               the               expense               of               other               campaigns,               causing               damage               to               other               sales               reps'               accounts.

This               not               only               targets               the               trafficker               for               blame               when               other               campaigns               fail,               it               damages               the               yield               potential               of               the               inventory               as               well               as               client               expectations.
               Rules,               process,               clear               communication               and               enforcement               (with               civility)               are               critical               in               Ad               Operations,               in               addition               to               constant               improvement               in               order               to               help               sales               build               a               bigger               and               better               initiative.

The               staff               needs               to               be               led               by               someone               with               experience               in               driving               those               strategies.

He               or               she               must               have               a               history               of               managing               traffic               managers,               establishing               and               enforcing               guidelines,               streamlining               workflow,               building               regular               reports               to               calculate               yields               and               other               metrics,               and               learning               how               to               say               'no'               to               people               who               are               engineered               not               to               take               'no'               for               an               answer,               without               losing               his               or               her               cool               and               souring               interpersonal               relationships.

That               person               also               must               be               motivated               to               figure               out               how               to               turn               that               'no'               into               a               future               'yes'               by               ramping               up               the               mechanics               and               services               of               Ad               Operations,               drawing               upon               what               ever               resources               are               available,               or               drawing               up               a               clear               business               case               for               more.
               In               the               U.S.

this               role               should               be               at               the               director-level               or               higher,               or               preferably               with               a               rank               at               least               equal               to               whomever               is               the               head               of               sales               (ideally               such               that               both               report               to               the               same               hiring               manager).

The               Director               of               Ad               Operations               can               report               to               a               COO,               CFO,               CTO,               or               a               similar               executive               or               senior               manager,               depending               on               the               size               of               the               company.

The               role               should               not               report               to               the               head               of               sales.
               The               Ad               Operations               team               leader               and               the               sales               team               leader               will               be               close               partners               in               the               online               revenue-driving               business,               meeting               regularly               (at               least               once               a               month,               if               not               once               a               week)               about               the               status               of               inventory               and               campaign               delivery,               effective               CPMs               and               online               revenue               trends               such               as               key               performance               indicators               (KPIs),               third               party               discrepancies               or               other               technical               issues               if               any,               communication               about               potential               campaigns               that               are               not               currently               deliverable               and               what               to               do               about               it,               and               other               future               improvements.

It               is               important               for               the               two               roles               to               develop               mutual               respect               for               the               other's               demands               and               pressures.
               Sales               is               primarily               motivated               by               commission,               not               yields,               so               there               is               a               pattern               wherein               a               sales               rep               will               do               anything               they               can               to               close               a               new               campaign,               even               if               it's               one               that               Ad               Operations               cannot               yet               deliver               without               improvements               to               the               site's               ad               tags,               or               to               the               database               that               would               need               to               feed               subscription               demographics               into               the               ad               tags,               or               because               there               isn't               enough               available               inventory,               or               some               other               reason.

A               professional               and               experienced               head               of               sales               will               not               function               this               way,               and               will               reign               back               her               staff               pending               consultation               with               the               head               of               Ad               Operations,               or               else               help               to               enforce               Ad               Operations               workflow               procedures               if               a               rep               is               attempting               to               circumvent               them               in               the               interest               of               time.
               The               head               of               Ad               Operations               must               build               practical               and               intuitive               procedures               and               strictly               enforce               them               in               order               to               minimize               campaign               failure               and               maximize               impression               yields.

Cooperation               with               this               agenda               is               mandatory,               and               if               the               head               of               sales               is               not               cooperative,               or               unwilling               to               work               with               Ad               Operations               on               realistic               alternatives,               the               relationship               between               Ad               Operations               and               the               Sales               team               can               be               troublesome               and               stressful.

This               is               why               Ad               Operations               should               not               report               to               the               head               of               sales,               because               it               increases               the               risk               of               placing               Ad               Operations               into               a               no-win               scenario.

Even               if               the               head               of               sales               is               fair               and               level-headed,               with               a               lot               of               respect               for               what               Ad               Operations               can               and               cannot               do               and               what               their               goals               are,               that               person               may               someday               leave               the               company               or               move               into               another               position               and               be               replaced               with               someone               who               isn't               on               the               same               page.
               But               supposing               there               is               no               head               of               sales               at               all?

Some               organizations               are               built               by               acquiring               smaller               companies               with               their               own               sales               structures.

The               pyramidal               ranking               model,               wherein               all               sales               reps               ultimately               report               to               a               single               head               of               sales,               is               the               optimal               structure,               but               some               companies               live               with               a               more               or               less               cooperative               de-centralized               model.

In               such               an               environment               the               Ad               Operations               director               should               report               to               an               executive               officer               in               the               company               who               is               as               central               as               possible,               and               who               understands               and               supports               Ad               Operations               challenges.

The               Ad               Operations               team               leader               must               then               begin               a               line               of               communication               with               each               senior               sales               rep               for               the               different               business               units               or               publishers               owned               by               the               conglomerate.

In               such               a               scenario,               a               regular               group               meeting               or               conference               call               would               be               highly               recommended.
               Focus               and               Clarity
               Employees               perform               better               with               focus.

Mixing               different               job               descriptions               that               might               sound               like               they               can               co-exist,               such               as               a               web               producer               and               a               traffic               manager               in               the               same               role,               can               create               tremendous               difficulties               that               will               inevitably               result               in               employee               retention               challenges               and               failing               campaigns.

I               call               this               the               "Swiss               Army               Knife"               philosophy,               where               a               company               disguises               the               fact               that               they               do               not               want               to               invest               in               enough               staff               to               meet               internal               workload               demands               by               stating               that               multitasking               is               a               desirable               trait               capable               of               quality               results.
               The               facts               are               quite               the               opposite.

Doubling               Ad               Operations               up               with               web               producing,               billing,               or               any               other               function               will               lead               to               a               higher               probability               for               error,               miscommunication,               time               management               conflicts,               and               irreconcilable               priorities.
               For               example,               if               a               web               producer               needs               to               finish               building               a               microsite               by               end               of               day               and               suddenly               a               sales               rep               calls               and               says               their               targeted               CPM               campaign               is               failing               and               it               needs               to               be               rebooked               by               end               of               day,               how               does               one               person               prioritize               these               two               important               assignments?

Probably               both               cannot               be               done               by               the               same               person               on               the               same               day,               and               tomorrow               may               have               other               scheduled               priorities.
               Ad               Operations               workload               comes               in               spikes.

On               many               days               there               are               a               lot               of               requests               and               all               of               them               are               important,               but               they               cannot               be               adequately               managed               if               the               same               worker               must               multitask               with               other               job               descriptions               that               demand               her               attention.
               I               have               also               seen               non-technical               employees               such               as               content               editors               field               trafficking               requests,               but               they               aren't               equipped               with               the               skills               and               experience               to               diagnose               an               ad               that               isn't               rotating               evenly               enough,               or               why               a               third               party               ad               has               an               unsightly               30%               discrepancy               rate               as               of               last               week.

This               person               might               be               inclined               to               simply               blame               the               ad               server(s)               because               there               is               nowhere               else               to               turn,               and               over-use               customer               support               which               may               drive               up               ad               serving               costs               and               even               lead               to               an               incorrect               solution               to               the               problem               (if               any               at               all).
               Psychological               research               published               in               2001               by               the               U.S.

Federal               Aviation               Administration               and               in               2009               by               Stanford               University               demonstrate               that               multitasking               does               not               increase               productivity.

The               2001               study               stated,               "subjects               lost               time               when               they               had               to               switch               from               one               task               to               another.

Because               time               costs               increased               with               the               complexity               of               the               tasks,               it               took               significantly               longer               to               switch               between               more               complex               tasks.

Time               costs               were               also               greater               when               subjects               switched               to               tasks               that               were               relatively               unfamiliar."               2
               With               regard               to               the               results               of               the               2009               study,               co-researcher               Clifford               I.

Nass               at               Sanford               University               bluntly               stated,               "Multitaskers               were               just               lousy               at               everything."               The               study's               lead               investigator               Eyal               Ophir               stated,               "We               thought               multitaskers               were               very               much               in               control               of               information.

It               turns               out,               they               were               just               getting               it               all               confused."               3
               Ron               Ashkenas,               who               cited               the               2009               study               in               his               blog               for               Harvard               Business               Review,               wrote,               "If               dozens               of               people               are               reducing               their               effectiveness               by               multitasking,               then               the               organization               runs               the               risk               of               being               tied               up               in               knots."               4
               This               is               not               to               state               the               opposite               extreme:               that               all               multitasking               should               be               avoided.

That               is               not               possible,               nor               is               it               practical.

However               the               tasks               assigned               to               an               employee               should               have               a               strong               relationship               with               one               another.

It               is               easier               for               a               traffic               manager               to               be               interrupted               from               running               an               inventory               forecast               by               a               request               to               switch               out               a               live               ad,               than               to               be               interrupted               from               switching               out               a               live               ad               by               an               urgent               request               to               write               new               XML               for               a               critical               glitch-fix               in               the               company's               proprietary               content               management               system               (CMS).
               The               strategy               is               to               take               advantage               of               an               employee's               natural               skill               sets               and               interests               with               tasks               that               are               as               closely               related               to               it,               and               each               other,               as               possible.
               Defining               Traffic               Managers,               Client               Services               Managers,               and               Analysts
               Ad               Operations               must               be               clearly               defined               and               communicated               to               the               company,               especially               to               the               departments               who               interact               with               it.

That               is:               what               this               staff               does               in               this               organization,               and               what               this               staff               does               not               do.

Otherwise,               it               is               not               unusual               for               Ad               Operations               to               become               the               go-to               group               for               whatever               another               department               or               employee               needs,               even               tasks               or               data               unrelated               to               Ad               Operations.

For               example,               unless               Ad               Operations               has               a               site               traffic               analyst               on               staff,               it               should               not               field               requests               for               page               view               reports               or               analysis.

Or,               if               the               staff               is               not               responsible               for               sending               e-newsletters,               it               should               field               requests               for               email               sends               or               opens,               or               subscription               database               inquiries.
               That               doesn't               mean               Ad               Operations               cannot               take               on               those               roles,               but               it               will               need               to               be               staffed               appropriately               and               equipped               with               the               required               tools               and               access.

A               newsletter               producer,               a               site               traffic               analyst               and               a               traffic               manager               should               not               all               be               the               same               person.

These               should               be               three               different               employees               working               together,               whether               in               the               same               department               or               separate               ones.
               There               is               a               common               list               of               tasks               that               are               the               responsibility               of               Ad               Operations.

Some               of               these               tasks               may               take               a               few               minutes,               others               may               take               many               hours,               or               even               days               of               attention.

These               tasks               can               be               divided               into               three               basic               categories               of               focus:               Technical,               Administrative,               and               Analytical.
               It               makes               sense               to               subdivide               these               tasks               to               increase               focus.

You               can               assign               the               technical               work               to               a               traffic               manager,               the               administrative               work               to               a               client               services               manager,               and               the               analytical               work               to               an               analyst.

This               reduces               priority               juggling               and               helps               to               reduce               error,               as               it               takes               advantage               of               the               technical               skills               of               one               employee,               the               people               skills               of               second               employee,               and               the               analytical               skills               of               a               third.
               The               functions               could               be               divided               this               way:
               Traffic               Manager               (TM)               
               *               Set               up               new               ads               in               an               ad               server,               or               additional               ads               to               existing               campaign,               or               switch               out               old               creatives               for               new               ones               
               *               Work               with               client               on               a               third               party               tag               that               isn't               testing               properly               
               *               Work               with               client               on               proper               implementation               of               the               clickTAG               call               in               Flash               ActionScript               
               *               Adjust               or               rebook               campaign               parameters               
               *               Monitor               daily               campaign               delivery               
               *               Provide               regular               delivery               reports               (weekly,               monthly,               and/or               upon               completion               of               campaigns)               
               *               Diagnose               ad               serving               problems               and               work               with               the               ad               server's               customer               support
               Client               Services               Manager               (CSM)               
               *               Manage               the               dashboard               or               email               inbox               and               either               field               inquiries               or               redirect               communication               as               necessary               
               *               Chase               materials               for               new               insertion               orders,               including               new               or               missing               materials               such               as               click               URL               or               a               missing               ad               size               
               *               Chase               insertion               orders               for               materials               that               come               in               early               
               *               Make               sure               insertion               orders               are               signed,               complete,               and               clear               
               *               Make               sure               the               sales               reps               are               well               informed               
               *               Respond               to               delivery               report               requests               and               provide               regular               delivery               reports               (weekly,               monthly,               and/or               upon               completion               of               campaigns)               
               *               Make               sure               client               is               well               informed               and               satisfied               
               *               Answer               client               inquiries               and               fill               out               RFPs               ("request               for               proposal"               forms)               
               *               Monitor               daily               campaign               delivery
               *               Provide               regular               yield               (effective               CPM)               reports               for               senior               or               corporate               management               
               *               Respond               to               inventory               forecast               requests               (available               inventory               queries,               or               "avails")               and               provide               forecasts               regularly               
               *               Respond               to               delivery               report               requests               and               provide               regular               delivery               reports               (weekly,               monthly,               and/or               upon               completion               of               campaigns)               
               *               Monitor               daily               campaign               delivery
               Some               of               the               tasks               overlap               roles,               or               can               be               divided               a               little               differently               at               the               discretion               of               the               department               head,               based               on               the               specific               needs               of               the               company.

Yield               reporting,               for               example,               is               often               80%               of               the               workload               of               an               Ad               Operations               Director,               and               inventory               availability               forecasting               might               be               shared               among               the               traffic               managers               unless               it               is               too               intense.
               This               internal               structuring               has               worked               for               me,               and               many               online               companies.

Taking               client               services               work               away               from               the               traffic               manager               is               especially               helpful,               as               some               traffic               managers               don't               have               the               greatest               people               skills,               and               some               client               services               managers               don't               have               the               greatest               technical               skills.

A               good               Client               Services               Manager               (CSM)               can               be               a               powerful               asset               toward               strengthening               relationships               with               clients               as               well               as               between               internal               employees.

As               reported               by               Media               Business               Online               in               2008:               "Dan               Hirsh,               publisher               of               IDG's               Network               World,               said               Network               World's               eight-person               client               services               group               'has               become               a               point               of               differentiation               for               us,               and               we               have               made               a               sizable               investment               in               it.'"               5
               In               my               experience,               organizations               with               clearly               defined               CSMs               have               a               stronger               quality               of               Ad               Operations               service,               whether               they               are               publishers,               ad               agencies,               or               ad               networks.
               Differentiating               your               staff               helps               to               sub-divide               the               demand.

Earlier               I               said               that               one               sales               rep               with               ten               campaigns               is               easier               for               one               trafficker               than               two               sales               reps               with               five               campaigns               each.

With               the               above               workflow               strategy,               the               traffic               manager's               job               may               be               nearly               the               same               either               way,               but               the               client               services               manager's               work               is               harder               with               two               sales               reps               than               with               one.

This               allows               for               different               scaling               opportunities               and               workflow               management.
               In               general,               Client               Services               sits               in               between               the               client,               the               sales               rep,               and               the               traffic               manager,               keeping               work               organized               and               data               streaming               smoothly               and               clearly.

They               make               sure               that               the               sales               rep's               paperwork,               facts,               proposals,               follow-ups               and               project               requests               are               in               order               and               don't               fall               off               the               radar,               they               make               sure               the               clients               are               happy               and               well               informed,               and               they               make               sure               Ad               Operations               has               everything               they               need.
               However               you               can               also               differentiate               between               two               different               types               of               Client               Services               Managers:               one               kind               works               for               Ad               Operations,               the               other               kind               works               for               the               sales               staff.
               The               Ad               Operations               CSM               is               mostly               a               post-IO               administrator,               managing               work               after               the               IO               is               signed               and               executing               the               requirements               in               the               IO               by               redirecting               it               to               Ad               Operations,               email               and               web               producers,               webinar               producers,               and               so               forth.
               The               Sales               CSM               is               mostly               a               pre-IO               administrator,               serving               as               an               attaché               for               sales               reps.

I               have               seen               many               account               managers               become               frustrated               because               they               don't               have               enough               information               available               to               them               when               they               need               it,               and               will               call               anybody               they               can               to               get               that               data,               often               starting               with               Ad               Operations.

If               the               company               does               not               yet               have               dashboards               or               other               tools               that               easily               place               inventory,               e-newsletter,               and               site               traffic               data               in               front               of               sales               so               that               they               are               well               informed               during               a               call,               then               someone               ought               to               consolidate               that               information               and               report               it               to               them               regularly.

That               would               be               the               duty               of               a               Sales               CSM               person.
               There               are               companies               who               have               many               more               specialized               CSMs               and               may               give               them               different               titles               but               it's               the               job               descriptions               that               are               important.
               "At               Thomas               Publishing's               Managing               Automation,               Joanne               Hogan,               VP-e-media,               oversees               the               advertising               support               function,               which               resides               in               multiple               departments:               one               person               in               sales               and               marketing               supports               webinars,               two               people               in               client               services               support               lead-gen               programs,               and               a               fourth               handles               impression-based               online               ad               units               as               well               as               print               advertising               production."6               (emphasis               mine)
               Although               I               would               separate               print               and               online               client               services,               this               is               a               solid               example               of               how               to               organize               job               descriptions.
               Staffing               in               this               way               solves               a               lot               of               excess               communication               workload               and               errors               caused               by               incomplete               or               vague               insertion               orders,               miscommunication,               orphaned               project               requests               or               inquiries,               and               stress               and               confusion               from               lack               of               focus.
               Staffing               Models
               The               following               staffing               models               are               rough               suggestions,               as               every               publisher's               culture               and               requirement               is               different.

One               organization               might               have               many               sites               each               with               minimal               inventory,               another               might               have               a               single               site               with               a               lot               of               inventory.

An               organization               may               have               more               focus               on               e-newsletter               advertising,               or               site               advertising,               or               mobile               device               advertising.

An               ad               network               or               ad               agency               might               be               structured               a               little               differently.
               But               no               matter               how               you               design               your               Ad               Operations               staff,               keep               a               sharp               eye               on               internal               demand.

If               you're               an               online               publisher,               you               should               not               permit               your               Sales               department               to               invent               new               sites,               new               e-newsletters               with               display               ads               in               them,               new               web               sizes               and               ad               positions,               and               new               buy               types               or               targeting               schemes               without               consulting               Ad               Operations               to               see               if               it               can               manage               the               increase               of               work               without               staffing               up               or               automating               further.

All               innovative               sales               ideas               for               earning               new               revenues               must               be               evaluated               against               implementation               and               operational               costs               and               resources               as               determined               by               the               head               of               the               Ad               Operations               staff,               and               senior               members               of               other               affected               staffs.

This               must               be               enforced               at               the               executive               level               and               clearly               communicated               with               cooperation               from               the               head               of               Sales.
               The               below               models               are               normal               Ad               Operations               staffs               which               do               not               manage               e-newsletter               or               list-rental               production,               web               production,               site               traffic               (Omniture,               Google               Analytics,               etc),               Flash               development               or               creative               development.

To               introduce               those               tasks               into               this               department,               you               need               additional               hires               with               the               appropriate               skills.

In               a               large               organization,               the               staff               can               belong               to               a               Media               Operations               department               managed               by               a               vice               president               who               also               oversees               video               advertising,               mobile               advertising,               automation               and               site               development,               email               development,               Flash               and               Creative               Designers,               and               so               forth.
               And               don't               forget:               Traffic               managers               are               permitted               to               have               vacations               too!

Every               employee               in               this               staff               should               have               a               functional               backup.

Never               bottleneck               workload               through               a               single               person               who               is               the               only               one               who               knows               how               to               do               it.

It               places               your               business               at               risk.
               Model               1:               Sales               staff               of               2-3               with               5-10               new               or               revised               monthly               campaigns               each,               all               Flat               Fee               (no               impressions               goals,               no               managed               share               of               voice),               all               ROS,               about               50%               third-party               delivered               creatives.

About               0-6               expiring               house               ads               per               quarter.
               Director               of               Ad               Operations               
               *               Traffic               Manager
               Model               2:               Sales               staff               of               4-5               with               5-10               new               or               revised               monthly               campaigns               each,               over               90%               Share               of               Voice               (SOV),               all               ROS,               about               80%               third-party               delivered               creatives.

About               0-12               expiring               house               ads               per               quarter.
               Director               of               Ad               Operations               
               *               Traffic               Manager               
               *               Client               Services               Manager
               Model               3:               Sales               staff               of               5-6               with               5-10               new               or               revised               monthly               campaigns               each,               over               90%               CPM               advertising               (impression               goals),               50%               or               more               on               vertical               targets,               about               80%               third-party               delivered               creatives.

About               0-24               expiring               house               ads               per               quarter.
               Director               of               Ad               Operations               
               *               Traffic               Manager               
               *               Client               Services               Manager               
               *               Another               Traffic               Manager               or               Client               Services               Manager               depending               on               balance               of               workload               
               *               Analyst
               Model               4:               Sales               staff               of               20-30               with               5-20               new               or               revised               monthly               campaigns               each,               some               sites               over               90%               CPM               advertising               (impression               goals),               50%               or               more               on               vertical               targets,               50%               or               more               on               demographic               or               geographic               targets,               about               5-10%               potentially               on               contextual               targets,               about               80%               third-party               delivered               creatives.

About               0-24               expiring               house               ads               per               quarter.
               Senior               Director               of               Ad               Operations               
               *               Traffic               Manager:               Region               1               (or               Site               /               Newsletter               Group               1)               
               *               Traffic               Manager:               Region               2               (or               Site               /               Newsletter               Group               2)               
               *               Client               Services               Manager:               pre-Sales               
               *               Client               Services               Manager:               post-Sales               
               *               Delivery               Analyst               (availability               forecasting,               pacing               reports,               campaign               completion               reports)               
               *               Yield               Analyst               (yields,               effective               revenues,               key               performance               indicators,               comparative               analysis)
               Model               5:               Sales               staff               of               30-40               with               5-20               new               or               revised               monthly               campaigns               each,               some               sites               over               90%               CPM               advertising               (impression               goals),               some               sites               all               Share               of               Voice,               some               sites               50%               or               more               on               vertical               targets,               some               sites               50%               or               more               on               demographic               or               geographic               targets,               some               sites               about               5-10%               on               contextual               targets,               about               80%               third-party               delivered               creatives               throughout,               about               10%               Flash               creatives               (including               some               travelling               or               expanding               ads),               several               interstitials               per               month,               one               or               two               microsites               a               quarter,               any               number               of               sponsorships               or               roadblocks               a               month               on               different               sites               (including               display               ads               in               e-newsletters).

Two               dozen               expiring               house               ads               per               quarter.
               Vice               President               of               Ad               Operations               and               Yields
               *               Director               of               Ad               Operations               
               **               Senior               Traffic               Manager               
               ***               Traffic               Manager:               Region               1               (or               Site               /               Newsletter               Group               1)               
               ***               Traffic               Manager:               Region               2               (or               Site               /               Newsletter               Group               2)               
               ***               Traffic               Manager:               Region               3               (if               needed               based               on               workload)
               *               Senior               Analyst               
               **               Delivery               Analyst               (availability               forecasting,               pacing               reports,               campaign               completion               reports,               client               reports)               
               **               Yield               Analyst               (yields,               effective               revenues,               key               performance               indicators,               comparative               analysis)
               *               Director               of               Client               Services               
               **               Client               Services               Manager               1:               pre-Sales               
               **               Client               Services               Manager               2:               pre-Sales               
               **               Client               Services               Manager               1:               post-Sales               
               **               Client               Services               Manager               2:               post-Sales               (if               needed               based               on               workload)
               1Burn               Out               in               Ad               Operations,               by               Doug               Wintz.

iMedia               Connection:               6               Jun               2005.

               2Executive               Control               of               Cognitive               Processes               in               Task               Switching,               by               Joshua               S.

Rubinstein               (Federal               Aviation               Administration)               and               David               E.

Meyer               and               Jeffrey               E.

Evans               (University               of               Michigan).

Journal               of               Experimental               Psychology:               Human               Perception               and               Performance               2001,               Vol               27,               No               4,               763-797:               2001.
               4Cognitive               control               in               media               multitaskers,               by               Eyal               Ophir,               Clifford               Nass,               and               Anthony               D.


Proceedings               of               the               National               Academy               of               Sciences:               24               Aug               2009.

               Also               see               The               Mediocre               Multitasker               by               Ruth               Pennebaker.

The               New               York               Times:               29               Aug               2009.

               5To               Multitask               Effectively,               Focus               on               Value,               Not               Volume,               by               Ron               Ashkenas.

Harvard               Business               Review:               10               Sep               2009.

               6Service               starts               with               the               sale:               Selling               online               advertising               requires               a               follow-up               process               not               needed               in               print,               by               Marie               Griffin.

Media               Business               Online:               Feb               2008.

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    About 'management accounting research journal'|...pn_lang= /template.php actionsPage= /template.php formPage= /forum/track.php path= /implementation/management/priv/bugreporter/thankyou.php g_documentRoot= /process.php DEFAULT_SKIN= /template/barnraiser_01/p...

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    A               law               firm               may               be               comprised               of               one               individual               attorney               or               a               group               of               attorneys               practicing               together.

    Where               there               is               a               group               there               are               usually               partners               and               associates.

    Partners               generally               share               the               risks               and               responsibilities               as               well               as               the               profit.

    Associates               usually               are               provided               office               or               desk               space               and               handle               cases               which               the               partnership               assigns               them.

    A               law               firm               usually               has               a               staff               of               employees               who               handle               phones,               typing,               filing,               and               other               secretarial               and               office               management               necessities.

    Developing               and               implementing               a               solid               risk               management               plan               for               a               law               firm               is               essential               for               survival               and               success               in               today's               legal               arena.

    Risks               are               actions               having               potential               to               result               in               negative               outcomes               for               others               or               for               ones               self.

    Risk               management               is               anticipating               risks               and               taking               actions               to               minimize               exposure               and               potential               negative               repercussions.

    "Risk               comes               from               not               knowing               what               you're               doing."               -Warren               Buffett-,               American               Investment               Entrepreneur
                   A               law               firm               must               decide               if               they               are               going               to               hire               an               outside               risk               management               firm
                   or               keep               the               procedure               in-house.

    If               kept               internal,               one               choice               is               to               appoint               one               partner               as
                   General               Counsel.

    That               person               is               responsible               for               developing,               implementing               and
                   monitoring               the               plan.

    If               choosing               the               General               Counsel               approach,               one               must               determine               if
                   that               partner               will               continue               practicing               or               simply               handle               risk               management.

    The               third
                   choice               is               to               hire               an               employee               trained               and               certified               in               risk               management.

    This               last
                   choice               is               optimum.
                   "The               first               step               in               the               risk               management               process               is               to               acknowledge               the               reality               of               risk.

    Denial               is               a               common               tactic               that               substitutes               deliberate               ignorance               for               thoughtful               planning,"               -Charles               Tremper-               Concerning               law               firms,               nine               broad               areas               of               risk               have               been               identified.

    Each               has               a               variety               of               risk               categories               within               itself.

    These               nine               risk               areas               have               been               categorized               in               order               of               probability               and               impact               using               an               ABC               formula.

    A               represents               high               probability               and               or               high               impact.

    B               represents               moderate               probability               or               impact.

    And               C               represents               the               least               likely               probability               and               the               lowest               impact.
                   Recognizing               that               a               serious               mistake               or               law               suit               in               any               one               of               the               nine               areas               could               bring               disaster               made               categorizing               a               difficult               task.

    Providing               malpractice               insurance               ended               up               on               top.

    All               areas               involving               clients               and               opposing               sides               followed               and               internal               risk,               although               of               high               impact,               fell               into               last               place.
                   Having               malpractice               insurance               coverage               does               not               lesson               the               probability               factor,               but               does               soften               and               transfer               a               portion               of               the               monetary               impact               in               a               law               suit.

    Some               financially               established               companies               opt               to               retain               this               risk               and               avoid               the               high               cost               of               malpractice               insurance.

    Smaller               firms               or               firms               just               getting               started               usually               need               to               purchase               insurance.

    "Insurers               are               increasingly               sophisticated               about               the               difference               between               a               well-managed               and               not-so-well-managed               law               firm               and               they're               much               attuned               to               whether               law               firms               are               operating               under               appropriate               policies               and               procedures.

    The               degree               to               which               insurers               believe               that               law               firms               are               doing               this               affects               not               only               the               price               they're               offered,               but               also               the               scope               of               coverage,               the               limits               that               firms               will               be               able               to               buy               in               the               marketplace,               the               amount               of               their               deductible               and               the               terms               of               coverage"               (Davis,               Anthony               2008).
                   Some               firms               turn               to               the               limited               liability               partnership,               but               this               is               only               a               partial               cover.

    "The               draw               of               LLP               status               is,               of               course,               the               limited               liability.

    Unlike               a               partnership,               in               which               partners               have               unlimited               liabilities,               members               of               an               LLP               are               liable               only               up               to               the               amount               of               their               personal               investment               in               the               LLP"               (Greenwood,               Clive,               and               Tamar               Halevy               (2005)               39).
                   Under               common               law,               members               of               an               LLP               can               still               be               held               financially               accountable               in               negligence               cases               if               they               gave               the               suing               party               advice.

    Deciding               on               a               partnership               or               LLP               can               only               be               determined               by               looking               at               the               partnership               agreement.

    A               thorough               examination               will               determine               which               will               provide               the               best               protection               for               the               individual               law               firm.

    Incorporating               in               today's               business               environment               is               a               risk               avoidance               tool               that               should               be               utilized.

    It               neither               eliminates               nor               transfers               risk,               but               is               a               method               of               reducing               impact.

    In               days               gone               by,               malpractice               was               a               law               firm's               only               real               area               of               risk.

    Today               it               is               just               one               of               many,               reflecting               our               changing               times.
                   All               cases               are               not               worthy               of               the               firms               time               and               effort.

    Some               cases               spell               trouble               from               the               beginning               and               must               be               rejected.

    "Pattison               of               CNA               says               that               lawyers               can               significantly               minimize               risk               at               the               onset               of               an               attorney/client               relationship.

    He               recommends               developing               a               strong               client               intake               system               that               weeds               out               poor               quality               clients,               such               as               companies               with               too               much               red               ink               that               may               later               be               inclined               to               pursue               the               firm               as               a               defendant.

    A               well               drafted               engagement               letter               can               also               spare               future               turmoil               by               spelling               out               the               precise               nature               of               professional               services               including               the               attorney               handling               the               matter,               specific               duties               that               are               not               covered,               a               time               frame,               and               a               definition               of               who               the               firm               will-and               will               not-be               representing"               (Goldberg,               Julie               2008).
                   Constant               and               open               communication               between               the               firm               and               its               clients               is               critical               to               risk               reduction.

    Having               skilled               and               properly               trained               secretaries               alleviates               stress               in               this               area.

    Once               a               case               has               been               accepted               by               the               firm               and               an               attorney               has               been               assigned,               follow-up               is               vital.

    Appointments               and               court               dates               must               be               kept.

    A               file               containing               all               pertinent               information               must               be               built.

    Once               the               case               is               closed,               the               file               must               also               be               properly               closed               and               stored.

    Having               open               files               lying               around               is               a               liability.

    Client               tracking               is               a               retained               risk               and               requires               diligent               attention               to               minimize.
                   Billing               procedures               consist               of               three               components:               fee               structure,               accounting,               and               collections.

    Fair               fee               structures               must               be               established               and               used               consistently.

    The               quickest               way               to               create               a               hostile               client               relationship               is               to               have               one               client               discover               that               they               paid               more               than               another               client               for               the               same               service.

    The               fee               structure               must               be               included               in               the               client               engagement               letter.

    Billing,               accounting,               and               collections               may               be               outsourced               or               handled               internally.

    A               large               firm               can               normally               afford               a               comptroller               to               handle               billing               procedures.

    A               smaller               firm               may               decide               to               transfer               their               risk               by               sending               their               billing               to               an               outside               source.

    Retained               or               transferred               fees               must               be               collected.

    They               are               the               life               of               the               firm.
                   The               first               order               of               business               is               the               purchase               of               equipment               and               the               maintenance               agreements.

    The               risk               involved               in               this               process               pales               to               the               real               risk               management               issue               of               keeping               client               privacy               protected               in               this               electronic               age.

    Understanding               that               every               word               in               the               firm's               computers               can               be               subpoenaed               makes               it               imperative               that               caution               is               taken               with               every               click               of               the               mouse.

    Office               computers               will               be               used               for               scheduling,               documentation,               and               much               more.

    A               strict               policy               to               keep               personal               information               off               of               the               firm's               computers               is               necessary.

    Having               separate               computers               for               different               duties               is               also               a               good               move.

    Technology               and               client               confidentiality               is               a               retained               risk               that               requires               continuous               care               and               training.
                   The               human               resource               department               is               accountable               for               a               multitude               of               responsibilities,               each               representing               an               area               of               risk.

    HR               can               handle               payroll.

    If               a               firm               has               a               comptroller               or               accountant,               payroll               would               fall               to               them.

    Payroll               can               be               transferred               to               a               provider               like               Paychex.

    Transferring               payroll               out               is               a               good               method               of               risk               reduction.

    Employer-employee               relations               are               handled               by               the               owners.

    Coordinating               complaints               and               resolutions               is               HR's               job.

    The               relationship               between               individuals               operating               within               the               firm               also               presents               an               area               of               retained               risk               that               must               be               monitored               and               controlled.
                   HR               is               responsible               for               distributing               the               firm's               policy               and               procedure               pamphlet,               maintaining               W-4s               and               I-9s,               and               other               documents               pertaining               to               the               firm's               employees.

    HR               should               keep               partners               and               employees               aware               of               training               sessions               and               continuing               education               compliance.

    They               should               post               OSHA,               EEOC,               and               other               requirements               in               visible               locations.

    HR               will               monitor               workman's               compensation,               disability,               unemployment,               and               changes               in               the               law.

    Although               HR's               main               job               is               employee               records,               the               department               will               handle               many               areas               of               retained               risk.

    Professional               and               organized               record               keeping               is               their               tool               for               risk               minimization.
                   "Adequate               financial               management               in               a               law               firm               means               that               the               firm               has               accurately               anticipated               its               financial               requirements               by               profit               planning               and               budgeting.

    The               quality               of               its               financial               management               affects               the               way               that               the               firm               makes               decisions.

    Cases,               in               which               there               appears               to               be               a               conflict,               may               not               be               handled               properly               if               a               firm               is               suffering               from               cash               shortages.

    Risks               are               taken               to               which               claims               are               very               often               the               inevitable               result.

    A               law               firm               which               is               well               managed               financially               may               be               able               to               withstand               the               difficulties               which               ensue               if               there               is               a               major               claim.

    Firms               that               are               not               well               managed               financially               do               not               survive               for               very               long"               (Berman,               Tom               2010).

    A               General               Counsel               may               handle               finance               or               an               outside               accounting               firm               may               be               hired,               thus               transferring               part               of               the               risk.

    There               are               many               financial               decisions               to               make.

    One               such               decision               is               whether               the               firm               will               own               or               rent               its               location.
                   The               choice               of               locations               is               important               in               two               areas:               curb               appeal               and               ease               of               access.

    Purchasing               entails               the               retained               risk               of               damage               to               the               structure               and               the               risk               of               obtaining               a               clear               title.

    Ownership               usually               necessitates               the               purchase               of               hazard               insurance.

    Different               policies               must               be               compared.

    A               commercial               policy               package               includes               a               building               and               personal               property               package.

    A               business               owner's               policy               covers               mainly               property               and               liability.
                   Owning               or               leasing               both               location               and               vehicles               is               an               economic               question               which               each               firm               will               have               to               decide.

    Insurance               considerations               include:               business               income               loss,               glass               breakage,               business               auto               policies,               credit               life,               errors               and               omissions,               title               insurance               if               buying               the               location,               and               workman's               comp.

    Coverage               such               as               liability,               professional               liability,               or               a               commercial               umbrella               must               also               be               examined.

    Options               include:               personal               injury               liability,               outdoor               signage,               monies               and               securities,               employment               dishonesty,               mechanical               break               down,               disasters,               full               replacement               coverage,               and               so               on.

    Insurance               decisions               will               take               time               and               research.
                   Some               large               firms               might               self               insure               by               covering               damages               and               losses               with               cash.

    Others               may               purchase               their               own               insurance               company               like               CitiGroup               did               with               Travelers.

    This               is               an               area               where               partial               risk               can               be               transferred               by               insuring.

    Most               small               firms               will               choose               to               insure.

    Health               and               life               insurance               must               be               considered.

    Group               insurance               should               be               provided.

    Firms               that               offer               benefits               attract               a               better               quality               of               employees,               partners,               and               associates               than               those               who               do               not.

    Providing               incentives               is               a               good               method               of               risk               reduction.
                   A               budget               must               be               established               reflecting               every               expense               from               advertising               to               zip               forms.

    A               trust               account               must               be               set               up               for               handling               client               funds.

    Federal,               state,               and               local               banking               laws               must               be               strictly               observed.

    It               is               an               excellent               practice               to               hold               10-15               percent               of               profits               in               a               rainy               day               account               to               offset               disasters               and               claims.

    And,               "Amortize               large               one-time               expenditures               over               your               fiscal               year               (i.e.,               professional               malpractice               insurance,               depreciation)"               (Rose,               Suzanne               (2005)               22-25).
                   A               law               firm               must               be               prepared               for               natural               and               man               made               disasters.

    "What               every               firm               needs               to               do               is               to               develop               a               plan               that               is               particular               to               its               own               needs.

    Law               firms               must               answer               the               questions:               What               are               the               essential               elements               of               operating               this               law               firm?

    And,               what               would               happen               if               one               of               those               elements               went               down?

    Technology               is               one               consideration,               but               law               firms               also               need               to               look               at               how               employees               would               operate,               how               they               would               communicate               with               each               other;               and               whether               everyone               knows               what               the               plan               is.

    If               our               computers               aren't               accessible,               how               are               we               going               to               access               the               back-up               data?

    Can               people               work               from               home?

    Have               we               developed               the               right               system               so               that               the               server               will               keep               running               even               if               we're               all               working               remotely"               (Davis,               Anthony               2008)?
                   Disasters               happen.

    It               is               possible               that               an               office               could               be               inaccessible               for               days               at               a               time.

    The               firm               must               have               a               plan               to               keep               people               working.

    Clients               will               need               to               be               serviced               flawlessly.

    This               is               a               retained               risk               and               the               only               method               of               minimization               is               to               keep               every               member               of               the               firm               and               all               outside               affiliates               fully               advised               of               the               plan.
                   "A               partnership               or               shareholder               agreement               should               help               to               translate               overall               firm               philosophy               into               day               to               day               policy               and               then               provide               the               wherewithal               to               see               that               policy               is               carried               out"               (Berman,               Tom               2010).

    The               partnership               agreement               must               spell               out               the               partner's               positions.

    They               may               be               equal               or               each               may               have               a               different               financial               investment               in               the               partnership.

    Partner               compensation               must               be               established.

    A               draw               system               is               one               way               to               provide               partners               with               a               fixed               monthly               income.

    Both               a               profit               sharing               policy               and               benefits               must               be               agreed               upon.

    A               policy               for               admission,               termination               and               promotion               of               partners               as               well               as               other               staff               must               be               penned.

    Associate               position               and               pay               scale               must               be               defined.
                   A               firm               having               more               than               two               partners               needs               to               elect               a               General               Counsel               who               will               train               associates,               supervise               staff,               monitor               attorney               work-loads,               and               oversee               the               day               to               day               operations.

    Extra               compensation               for               the               General               Counsel               must               be               discussed.

    If               the               General               Counsel               is               to               continue               practicing,               a               separate               office               manager               will               need               to               assist.

    The               partnership               must               provide               the               firm's               policy               and               procedure               handbook.

    This               booklet               should               address               every               component               of               operation               from               vacations               to               sick               time               and               job               descriptions.

    General               employee               policies               must               include:               the               Americans               with               Disability               Act,               nepotism,               overtime,               breaks,               standards,               leave               of               absence,               equal               opportunity               policy,               internet,               telephone,               cell               phone               and               texting               policies,               garnishments,               and               every               aspect               covered               in               the               risk               management               plan.

    Special               attention               must               be               given               to               the               chapters               on               discrimination               and               sexual,               racial,               age,               and               gender               harassment.

    Firm               statements               of               "no               tolerance"               must               be               expressly               laid               out.

    Actions               that               will               be               taken               must               be               defined               including:               warnings,               suspension,               termination               and               legal               processes.
                   Enactment               can               be               monitored               and               enhanced               by               periodic               training               and               brain               storming.

    A               data               log               must               be               established               containing               every               case               brought               against               the               firm               or               firm               member.

    These               cases               must               be               researched.

    There               are               two               questions               that               must               be               answered.

    What               went               wrong?

    And,               have               we               taken               proper               measures               to               fix               the               issue?

    "Firms               can               do               their               own               audit,               or               they               can               have               an               independent               audit.

    The               purpose               of               an               audit               is               similar               to               an               MRI               in               the               medical               context:               it's               a               diagnostic               tool.

    It's               finding               out               what               policies               and               procedures               people               are               actually               following,               as               opposed               to               what               law               firms               think               they               need"               (Davis,               Anthony               2008).

    Audits               should               be               conducted               annually               to               account               for               changing               times,               culture,               environment,               and               laws.

    "A               good               rule               of               thumb               is               to               assume               that               everything               matters."               -Richard               Thaler-               (Thaler,               Richard,               and               Cass               Sunstein               (2008)               3).
                   "Law               firm               risk               management               is               thus               evolving               from               reactionary               and               rudimentary               to               proactive               and               comprehensive.

    It               is               now               a               standard               for               survival               in               an               increasingly               complex               and               competitive               business               environment"               (Goldberg,               Julie               2008).

    Risk               management               protects               a               firm's               reputation               and               enhances               profitability.

    Although               it               is               impossible               for               a               law               firm               to               operate               totally               free               of               risk,               ignoring               risk               or               devising               escape               hatches               will               not               alleviate               the               need               for               a               thorough               risk               management               plan.
                   Works               Cited
                   Berman,               Tom.

    "Measuring               Law               Firm's               Risk               Management."               Law               Practice               Management               Page.
                   John               P.

    Weil               &               Company,               Web.

    25               Jun               2010.

                   Coates,               Ross,               Mary               Koyl,               and               John               Langford.

    "Allocating               Risk               among               Public               and               Private
                   Partners."               Optimum               Online               40.2               (2010):               1-13.


    19               Jul               2010.
                   Davis,               Anthony.

    "Are               You               Protected?

    Risk               Management               for               Law               Firms."               YOUR               ABA.
                   American               Bar               Association,               Dec               2008.


    25               Jun               2010.
                   Goldberg,               Julie.

    "The               Evolution               of               Law               Firm               Risk."               Risk               Management               Magazine               01               Aug.



                   Greenwood,               Clive,               and               Tamar               Halevy.

    "Limited               ambition."               Lawyer               19.25               (2005):               39.

                   Jensen,               John.

    "Times               Like               These               Try               a               Broker's               Soul:               NIBA               President's               Message               June               2010."
                   NIBA               Journal               (2010):               Web.

    19               Jul               2010.
                   Rose,               Suzanne.

    "RISK               MANAGEMENT:               Is               the               culture               of               your               firm               inviting               malpractice               or
                   ethics               violations?."               Tennessee               Bar               Journal               41.7               (2005):               22-25.

                   Thaler,               Richard,               and               Cass               Sunstein.

    Nudge               Improving               Decisions               about               Health,               Wealth,               and
                   Happiness               .

    Yale               University               Press,               2008.



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